Folks, I've been on a really bad true crime podcast kick, lately. It's bad.
I used to listen to music. I used to listen to nature. Used to.
I'll be giving my shoutout love to the other true crime podcasts I've been listening to, but I wanted to point this this one out in particular. It's new, as of today about eight episodes have been released (and I binge listened to all in a matter of hours), and the podcast focuses on the Pacific Northwest/Seattle area.
If you're also a true crime junkie (because, horror), then let me introduce you to: The Scene Of The Crime.
For those new to Horror Habit, I'm located in Seattle and have regularly crossed the same paths/haunts of area serial killers. There's only one that had a mind to kill me though.
In late 2003/early 2004, I encountered gaddamn human hemorrhoid: Curtis "Shit Stain" Thompson. He saw me walking down the street and asked if he could give me a ride. I looked at him (easy to do, because he slowed his dumb ass convertible down to a crawl) and all I said was: "Have a nice day."
Folks, this douche canoe lost his ever loving mind. He pulled himself up on the steering wheel and shouted "I'm just trying to be nice!" I started walking faster and not making eye contact. Things were made worse since I was in a business and building remote area. My nearest "safe" area was a bus stop a couple blocks away.
This green, runny turd in human form followed me for several blocks, screaming at me from his fucking car the whole time. I was sweating, scared, and focused. He kept shouting that he was "...just trying to be nice" and I only responded a few times with "Have A NICE DAY!"
I got to the bus stop, just as traffic was being held up by his slow ass and I could see a bus coming, a few blocks away. I stopped there and stared at him. I got a really, really good look at his face. I have no idea where the power came from to stand still and stare at him - just feet apart - but I'm still glad I did it. I'm glad I will never forget his stupid fucking face.
He peeled off and I ran onto the bus. Months later I saw his face again, on the news - restrained and in court for the horrible rape and murder of a woman in a neighborhood alarmingly close to our meeting - months, if not days, after our encounter.
I think I stopped breathing when I saw this news broadcast. I may or may not have screamed.
So here I am now, listening to a phenomenally well done podcast about my neighborhoods and local haunts. These stories scare me to no measurable degree, particularly because of my proximity, but the hosts also do a remarkable job of sharing these horror stories in such a way that it could also be your neighborhood.
Digging into dark Pacific Northwest histories, telling these stories with an expertise of an investigative reporter, while also feeling (alarmingly) warm and comforting, this is a podcast for your true crime needs - ESPECIALLY - if you're familiar with the PNW.
Check out The Scene Of The Crime. Tell them Horror Habit sent you, with love.
PS: Take care out there. Kick assholes in the balls.