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Saturday, October 10, 2020

I See You (2019)

October Challenge Day 10:


There's a lot to unpack with:

For this film I had a virtual shared movie watching experience with a friend - it's become a bit of a tradition with us and if you haven't tried it, you're missing out. Naturally, it's not the same as sitting in the same room - watching a film together - but COVID times requires some creativity to keep the sanity. 

So, ironically, we watched a film (apart) titled: I See You

Here we go folks, here we go - this one has A LOT packed into it's hateful little heart. I mean, just get a load of that poster image. Speaking of poster image, the one above immediately won me over as something I needed to watch. Whereas, it seems Amazon thinks this monstrosity is worthy of public exposure:

Good gawd, what a mess of a movie poster.  If you're new, know I am very, very judgy about movie posters. This is an example of a terrible one.

Getting off topic - this film follows a family in crisis, a family that is quickly falling apart following an extramarital affair. There's also a story of missing children lurking in the background. What is going on here indeed....

This film is menacing and intentionally messes with your mind - deliberately portraying one story while an entirely different one is parading in the background without your knowledge. You won't see it all, I promise you, until the film is ready for you to see it all. 

Bold and unapologetically raw, this film is a rollercoaster of emotions and tension. Prepare yourselves best you can. 

Pairs with TV dinners and drinks in fancy glasses. Best watched in a place that is built specifically to give the neighbors the idea your life is better than it really is. 

I watched this film on Prime, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to locate where else you can find this real creeper of a feature.


  1. "Best watched in a place that is built specifically to give the neighbors the idea your life is better than it really is." Too funny! Yep, saw it--pretty fluked up, eh? Not sure if I asked before, but have you seen the little Swedish gem "Border?" Haunting and remarkable film.

    1. I have not heard of that film! I'll keep an eye out for it, thank you!
