I've side-eyed Valentines Day since, I dunno, forever. I found it very touché, however, that I stumbled upon a mini series just before Valentines Day and completely fell head-over-heals for it because, well, it's a well done creature feature. Let me introduce you to my latest crush:
Anyone who knows me knows I do not like romance films - aside from the rare few that I will defend passionately until the end. I have an odd dichotomy though when romance shows up in horror films. My heart will often ache so happily for the (usually) blood covered budding romance.
One example that comes to mind often is After Midnight - which absolutely broke me. I kept rewinding the ending.
This show floored me as well. FLOORED ME. Folks, I signed up for Peacock premium just to finish the show (which was devoured in hours).
Here we have a story about a widow and widower who have a violent meet-cute and as they begin to unveil themselves over day drinking things get...very complicated.
As a widow who has deerp deerp deerpity deerped her way though life I felt SEEN in just the first episode. There might have been a few moments where I whispered to myself, "...this is me... dear god...". It didn't help that I got tagged recently in a Facebook collection of embarrassing self admissions, a friend stating: "This has Jolie written over it!" No lies were detected.
Endearing, whip-smart, charming, heart breaking, and with a Monster Literally In The Basement, I was completely smitten with this horror love story. It's a great fit for those who like their horror more laid back as well as for those who like a very specific monster (see title).
I can honestly say I've never seen a show quite like this one, or a creature feature telling quite like this one.
This is a very short series and I'm not sure if they'll make a season two, which is why I'm keeping some key details quiet. Sharing too much will take away from its first date charm and anticipation. In all, I loved the show. Loved it.
Best watched while scrolling through your online dating app, pairs with whiskey, vegan food, and either alone, with a partner, best bud, or cuddled up with your fur babies.
I watched this on Peacock, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this utter delight of a creature feature love story.