Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Capture of the Green River Killer (2008)

After an intense horror movie binge in October, I typically take a break and turn to a humor binge (currently Curb Your Enthusiasm). But this year I'm also spicing it up with a lot - a lot! - of murder. 

Murder podcasts, TV shows, or documentaries -  these things can be playing in my apartment background all day, often while I'm choring, painting or cross stitching. While these horrifying stories can often stop me suddenly in my tracks with their real life nightmares, the Green River Killer sends a very specific chill up my spin.

At 19, in the late '90s, I was living near the SeaTac Strip. Folks, I was literally grocery shopping in Gary Ridgway's hunting grounds! It gives me a very specific chill knowing that he was wandering the area as I was there...

Let's check out:

While the Green River Killer gives me a very specific chill, nothing compares with my own brush with a serial rapist and murderer. I feel I shared this story before but to recap:

In 2004 I was walking down the street, living my best life, when a car rolled up and the man driving it asked me if he could give me a ride. I turned to him and said politely, "You have a nice day".

Folks, this piece of shit suddenly, frighteningly, and immediately started screaming at me. Shouting "I'm just trying to be nice!!" Oh I knew I was in big, big trouble right then. He kept rolling his car along side me as I kept walking - looking forward but taking glances over to him. Heart racing. He was so angry I feared he was going to jump out of his car and come after me. 

I arrived at a bus stop and turned to see that a bus was, by a miracle, coming up the road. Thankfully, this walking form of diarrhea was also holding up traffic at this moment and other cars began honking. He continued screaming incoherently as I jumped on that bus so fast. I got a good look at him though as the bus pulled up. This fucking douche canoe had a face you couldn't forget. 

So imagine my surprise when - now 5 years later - while carrying a plate of my dinner to the living room, I saw his face on the evening news. I about dropped my plate, especially when I saw he was sentenced to life in prison for a 2004 assault, rape, and murder spree. I was one of his targets. 



So that's my escape from a real life monster. Let's take a look at another one. 

When I turned this on I had no idea it was a miniseries (3 hours long). When the opening credits began rolling I thought to myself, "...the font makes this look like a Lifetime movie...". About halfway through I realized *it is* a Lifetime movie! Oh fonts.

Within the first 30 minutes though is when I really, strongly, believed it was a Lifetime film. There are signs. It also had a strange Hallmark movie feel so I was a little confused. In all, it took about 45 minutes to really get into this show. As things progressed though, and the hunt for the killer intensified, I really got into it. 

This particular show follows both the King County detectives trying to track down a serial killer, and a side story that ominously follows a young woman who falls right into the murder's demographic. It's a little weird, rather kind of good, and in true Lifetime (and Hallmark) movie style, I got a little weepy by the end. 

In short, this was a rather decent show. I also read somewhere that this miniseries was one of the most watched on Lifetime, when released. It's haunting and has some moving moments, despite it's occasional awkwardness. 

In all, if you are into the murder stories - check this one out. If you like Lifetime films then I'm almost certain you'll enjoy this one. If you don't like Lifetime films still give this one a shot - it might surprise you. 

Best watched alone or with one best friend, surrounded by boxes of paper, files, and evidence. Pairs with TV dinners and bottles of beers. 

I watched this film on Amazon Prime or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this quirky but solemn feature. 

I wish the victims and families of this monster peace. Fuck off, Gary.

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