Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Lone Wolf (1988)


Where has this absolutely insane and seriously laugh-out-loud movie been all my life?

Werewolf films have always been one of my favorites, despite it being hard to come by a quality werewolf film. And then this movie trots in front of my face on a random Saturday morning and it's an instant gem - A GEM - for probably all the wrong reasons. 

Looking for 40 year old teenagers in a picture-perfect example of 1988 horror movie culture? Well look no further than: 

Lone Wolf

Here we have a bunch of 'teenagers' doing 'teenager' stuff all 1988 style (making out in cars, getting in hallway fights, going to nightclubs, being in professional bands, etc) with the added fun of focusing on Computer Class. Folks, DOS is changing the world here - the hot new topic - all while a werewolf is running wild in town.

This film quickly skyrocketed to the top of favorite werewolf films list. Not because it's good ... per se ... but because it's so epicly wrong in all the right - no, best - ways. 

Delightful, accidentally hilarious, and legitimately entertaining, I'm not exaggerating when I say this film is a ton of fun!

There's not much else to add about this charmer. Fans of campy 1980's horror films know what they are getting into when a diamond like this is found - you just can't help but love every adorable quirk, outrageous dialogue, the gory kill scenes, practical effects, and who can forget the *totally believable* romances...

In all, fellow fans, if this one has not crossed your path yet then be sure to check it out! You can thank me later. 

I saw some reviewers suggest a double feature movie night with this film and Night Shadow. I see why but that's a LOT of 1980's werewolf camp to take in one sitting. 

Best watched when you want nothing but the fun stuff on a fun/lazy/snugly afternoon or evening. I watched this film on Tubi (as a note, Tubi is an EXCELLENT source for the campness), or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's sidebar to see where else you can find this keeper of a werewolf flick. 

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