Saturday, October 26, 2019

Graverobbers (1988)

October Challenge Day 23

Things are getting tough, folks. Send provisions.

Every year I start my daily horror movie watching on October 1st with total excitement. By the 4th week I'm dragging and end up finding films that I'm not sure what to do with.

Let me introduce Graverobbers. It's about a town bonded together by necrophilia.

And why does this guy look like Donald Trump!!??!!!

What the hell is going on in this picture???!!!


Necrophilia, necrophilia, necrophilia. It's what unites this community and that's pretty much all you need to know about this rare '80s feature. 

It kicks off with a waitress accepting a wedding proposal from a total stranger at the cafe counter and things only get hilariously ridiculous from there. 

Despite it being a very (VERY) cheesy 1980's horror flick, it's also an oddly engaging cheesy 1980's horror flick. The kill scenes are also spectacular. I saw an IMDB comment refer to this film with "...Nothing in this 'movie' qualifies to be a serious attempt at film making." They must be new. Don't listen to the newbies. 

I enjoyed this film for the absurdity it is. Note, there's also a scene with a grandmotherly librarian being electrocuted while having sex with a corpse - and that scene, I can almost guarantee it, will be forever burned into your brain. I totally understand if you file that one away in your Nope folder.

So, essentially, I've officially thrown my hands up in the air and reached a point in this year's October Challenge where I watched a film like this and laughed out loud, several times. That's where I'm at folks, and this film is bonkers in every way.

Best watched with a trusted friend and pairs with coffee or a bizarre cocktail. 

I watched this film in the Roku channel Just Horror. Use the Find it! Watch it! links on Horror Habit's side bar to locate where else you can find this WTF feature.

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