Happy Halloween everyone!! Here is 18 brilliant short horror films to spook up your day.
Why 18 you ask? Because this is the 8th month of the old Roman calendar and the 10th month of the current calendar. BRAINS!
So without further ado, below is my pick of some of the best out there. With a review of 18 words or less, and in no particular order, please enjoy Horror Habit's 2019 Short Horror Film Festival.
Pictured: Short film scream queen Lotta Losten (of the shorts Light's Out, Coffer, and Attic Panic) delights again!
Holy F__K: Oh, holy sh_t this one is hilarious!! Stellar and hilarious!
Salt: Best keep those salt shakers handy for this fast and furious bite-sized morsel!
The Fisherman: SCARY SEA MONSTERS ARE SCARY! This one is so, so good!
Smear: All the ladies love going in for their annual pap exam - amiright?!! Ladies?!?!
Homunculus: A bizarre animation/stop animation about rotting food...
There Comes A Knocking: A solid, ghostly chiller! Someday we might even see this be turned into a feature film!
Self-Assembly: Wowza! This one's a devilish delight. Warning - the opening scene is intense.
Mother Died: Well, this one is sure a shocker! Possibly poetic even...
Meow: Well this one is a lot of fun! Perfect for cat lovers.
Lilith: Made in 48 hours, this moody and spooky film will leave you with chills!
Undress Me: Dear christ almighty! Gruesome, gruesome, gruesome!
Shhh: This one is inspired by Guillermo del Toro's childhood nightmares - and the monster does not disappoint!
SHHH- A Horror Short Film by Freddy Chávez Olmos and Shervin Shoghian from MONSTRUO PELUDO FILMS on Vimeo.
Reverse: Evil garages are evil! This one is especially spooktacular.
Cliché (Short Horror Film): The title says a lot - but the scares are still pretty good!
Deadpan - An Awkward Comedy Horror Short Film: Shout to these kids who put this bizarre concoction together in a couple of hours. Hahaha!
Momo: A disturbing little thriller about love, loss, and madness!
Big Bad Wolves: I too have theorized the story of Little Red Riding hood is a cautionary tale about sexual predators...