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Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween! Here's 18 Short Horror Films You Need To See! (2022 edition)

October Challenge Day 31:

Happy Halloween everyone!! Here is 18 brilliant short horror films to spook up your day.

Why 18 you ask? Because this is the 8th month of the old Roman calendar and the 10th month of the current calendar. BRAINS!

So without further ado, below is my pick of some of the best out there. With a review of 18 words or less, and in no particular order, please enjoy Horror Habit's 2022 Short Horror Film Festival.

*Note, Blogger has gone through an update and I can no longer embed videos as I have done in previous years. Simply click on the title links - they'll take you directly to the films.

The Rule of Three: OCD and a lonely cabin in the woods brings out a clever bloodbath.

Ivy: A flirtation at the local cafe turns deadly when they head back home to get better acquainted...

Threshold: Tinkering around, late at night, in the garage takes some unexpected twists.

Phantasmic: David Lynchian, nightmare inspired, chaos show. 

Papa-Figo: Just a couple of kids, doing kid stuff, when something goes terribly, terribly wrong.

Killer Date: A dude thinks he knows all there is about dating and one-night-stands....

Visitor: The widow was not expecting this particular knock at the door...

Final Grave: Something sinister is lurking in the back of this man's mind, and home.

Arcade: A cheeky little slasher with all the '80's vibes.

No mires ahí (Don’t look there): A touching and heartbreaking little tale about grief and ghosts. 

20 Matches: A menacing, unique, and succinct little tale about a serial killer.

The Drawing: A charming and frightening short, short about a deadly doodle.

Granny: A hilarious story about Grandma refusing to go into a nursing home, quietly. 

Demon: Absolutely brilliant - edge of your seat horror! Watch in a dark setting. 

The World Over: A young couple discover a portal to a parallel universe in their house. Things get really damn weird!

Rest My Bones: This little tickler has fun twist on a chat with the Devil, sort of...

Spectral: A ghostly little snack of jump scares!

A Night in Camp Heebie Jeebie: Let's finish this year's short horror fest with a fun one for the whole family!


  1. I did a podcast segment on this article http://www.thehorrorstreamlive.com/index.php/movies/1016-heres-18-short-horror-films-you-need-to-see-horror-habit
