Monday, October 3, 2022

Raw (2016)

October Challenge Day 2:

I have a love/hate relationship with French Extremism horror. More often than not, I end up totally traumatized and vowing never to watch another one of these films again. Which is why this one sat on my To Watch list for years.

I am happy to report that this film and I jived most excellently. Let's take a look at:


Here we have a promising young woman going off to veterinary school. She joins her older sister there and the party begins. Oh, and they are vegetarians. Oh, and hazing involves eating meat.

Uh Oh.

She experiences a transformation....

This film is chaos - complete and utter chaos, but rolled out so well, smoothly, and drenched in blood. Literally. 

Apparently people passed out in theaters when watching this film, which I totally expect from French extremism horror, but I did not.  I have a complicated relationship with food and in fact threw up my soup when watching Inside. To be fair, I did not like my soup and it was sitting poorly. 

This is a beautifully disgusting blood bath of sexuality, coming-of-age, mental transformations and addictions. It feels like a fever dream wrapped up in vague memories you can't trust. I also can't stop laughing at this review from Letterboxd:

I watched this film Netflix, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this madness. 

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