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Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Black Phone (2021)

October Challenge Day 5

So I am a true crime podcasts, book, documentary, TV shows, CONSUMER.

In the shower? Listening to podcasts or books. 
Riding the bus? More of the same.
Cleaning the house? Catching a glance at the TV as I'm vacuuming. 
Overhearing a conversation about this topic? I'm Jumping Right In!

I even made a TikTok video about it. I'm on mf TikTok now! Lololololol. Come find me. I'm still working out the details about how to do movie reviews here but, I'll figure it out. 

Back to the movie. 

I bring all this up because this movie is a true crime, real life nightmare. Let's check out:

Okay, folks. This is a story about child abduction and their deaths.

Here we have a fucking waste of space kidnapping young men and smuggling them away in his creepy van to their final days in a derelict basement. 

But his reign of terror is coming to an end when he kidnaps a boy who can speak to the dead through a strange phone in this basement. The ghosts of the boys call him through this phone and give him some bad skills to KICK SOME FUCKING ASS. 

I don't normally give spoilers but I feel it's important to know that this story ends with catching some hands.

The filming is beautiful, despite it's morbid story line. The writing and characters are brilliant and you feel connected in so many ways. The 1970's background is so tangible you can almost feel the wood paneling and scratchy, ugly couches.

Best watched when ready to explore trauma and retribution. 

I watched this film on Peacock or use the find Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's sidebar to see where else you can find this punch in a bully's face of a film.

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