Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Stranger Within (1974)

October Challenge Day 13

It's been a while since a movie has blindsided me. You think you have it all figured out and then bam! Let's talk about: 

This is a story about a woman who somehow got pregnant by someone other than her husband. She's always been faithful and he's snipped. Worse still, a pregnancy could kill her. 

What's going on here? 

I know what you're already thinking - Satan. Because almost all supernatural pregnancy movies involve religion because religion just can't help themselves. They MUST have control over a woman, and if they don't either the devil did it or the woman is somehow connected to the devil.

Yawn (most of the time).

I'm happy to report this made-for-TV movie surprised me on multiple occasions with their clever little take on this tired trope. I can't say more without giving the story away.

In this current climate of post Roe v Wade madness, I thought this was a fine take on the power of women, particularly pregnant woman. Also, give us our f*cking bodily autonomy rights back you sons of b*tches.

Best watched in a small group or alone. Pairs with coffee and raw meat.

I rented this movie from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this unique feature. 

Cabin in the Woods (Television Show, 2024)

October Challenge Day 12

I was hesitant about this true crime show at first - seemed like it might be a bit cheeky. Nope. 

Let's talk about:

Not to be confused with the cheeky Cabin in the Woods movie, this television show goes into the grisly details of people who have been murdered in: A cabin in the woods. 

I'm still not entirely sold on this title but this show does a good job of humanizing the victims of these terrible, terrible crimes. And they are wildly horrifying crimes!

Fellow true crime junkies will certainly enjoy this show, and probably will be shocked that these people's stories have never been heard before (at least I never heard of these crimes before). 

At the time of my writing this there have only been 5 episodes so far (so note that), and I'm looking forward to seeing more episodes. 

As with all true crime, these stories make me simultaneously sad and horrified. Why are people so awful? There's an extra shudder at the remoteness of these crimes. The fear, the isolation, the harm.

Rest in peace, victims, the families, and loved ones. I take these viewings seriously and take the caution and advice.

I watched this show on HBO Max, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this soul shuddering series. 

Diary of a Mad Housewife (1970)

October Challenge Day 11

I knew within the first 2 minutes of this film that every man in it was going to piss me right the f*ck off. I was right! Let's talk about:

Oh this film is ROUGH. Not in the "typical" horror sense - just the average day-to-day for too many women. 

It got so bad at one point that I began to have a full blown panic attack. So badly that I was seriously afraid so I put on my headphones and listened to a Governor Tim Walz speech while the movie played in the background - just anything than to listen to the monsters in this film. 

Here we have the story of a woman who's DONE with her abusive husband and lover. She doesn't know she's done yet, her soul just starts slipping away at the constant barrage of toxic masculinity. 

Oh and it just keeps getting worse. Particularly at the end...

Again, this is a horror film for women, in particular, and The BULLSHIT we've had to endure since forever. 

Keep decentering men, ladies. Fight for your rights. Be a bog witch - that's the only way out of this hell hole called patriarchy. Shout out to all the men doing the lord's work on this too. 

UGH! This film upset more than most. 

Best watched with besties getting out of an abusive relationship. Pairs with girl dinner and a lot of swear words. 

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this very frustrating feature. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Daddy's Head (2024)

October Challenge Day 10

Oh holy smokes, this one is FRIGHTENING. Let's talk about: 

My oh my, movies about grief are just some of the scariest for me. I have a lump in my throat as I'm screaming with these....

Here we have the heart crushing story about a young boy and his step mother, as they process life after the boy's father and her new husband dies suddenly in a tragic accident. 

The child is now an orphan, and she never wanted kids. But here we are, with a creature lurking in the woods and crawling around their home, trying to lure the child into the woods. 

And this is a scary creature!! 

And let's just talk about the title of this film for a second. It's horrifying! Who comes up with a title like this [crying in fear]?

The nightmare of grief is already terrifying but adding an actual monster - ugggggggggg!

My heart ached for this kid. I kept thinking of my husband, who is now deceased, what life was like at that age when he became an orphan himself. And then I kept remembering what it was like when I took my husband off life support.... he would have been 49 in a few days.

The heart ache. The pain. Sometimes it creates A Monster.

This was a little bit difficult for me to watch, just for personal reasons, but it's a stellar, stellar horror film for anyone!

This slow burn is best watched alone. Pairs with wine and food that should sound good but you're just not hungry. 

I watched this film on Shudder or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this absolute frightening feature. 

Wedding Slashers (2006)

October Challenge Day 9

Uh. This film was .... interesting .... Let's talk about:

First of all. This is not a great film. Let's just get that out of the way. This film did appear, however, to reflect that everyone who made it were having a lot of fun. 

It carried the vibe of a bunch of friends from high school and college got together over drinks one night at the local pub, and decided to make a film. They'll figure the rest of it out as they go along.

There were certainly some funny moments where it felt like the really smart kids in the group had a heyday with writing the script, and yet, in the end, the film was a struggle. Who cares though, so long as everyone had fun. 

This is a story about a young woman who's boyfriends keep dying. When the love of her life asks her to marry him, she's hesitant. But then the big day arrives and so does her family, and all hell breaks loose. 

 A silly film with some clever kill scenes, this one is for a lazy day lounging in all the lazy wear.

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this bloody, silly mess.