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Thursday, October 31, 2024

Happy Halloween! Here's 18 Short Horror Films You Need To See! (2024 edition)

 October Challenge Day 31:

Happy Halloween everyone!! Here is 18 brilliant short horror films to spook up your day.

Why 18 you ask? Because this is the 8th month of the old Roman calendar and the 10th month of the current calendar. BRAINS!

So without further ado, below is my pick of some of the best out there. With a review of 18 words or less, and in no particular order, please enjoy Horror Habit's 2024 Short Horror Film Festival.

How Olin Lost His Eye: A curious young boy goes exploring around an abandoned house. Excellent!

Riparian: A strikingly effect body horror short! 

Meet Jimmy: True crime podcast, supernatural, living in our ear phones -  this captures a zeitgeist!

Deer Head Valley: Peak quirk and gruesome, and almost tangible - so terribly gross. 

The Woods: Yikes! This is a simple, sweet, and sinister story. Excellent sound effects. 

Central Dental: This just isn't this guy's night. Beware those alleyway dental clinics.

Mainstream: Little cerebral, and takes a sharp look at "being plugged in". Or unplugged, for that matter. 

Rest My Bones: A cheeky little Irish short about making a deal with the devil.

Written: Absolutely stunning! Watch in the dark and with headphones on. 

Woodland Heights: Exquisite! This 1950's prom night is not going to go as planned.

MK Ultra Violence: Oh dear. This one is rough, on multiple levels.

The Rejected: Extremely graphic! So gory, and ... I'm not entirely sure of the message [raised eyebrow].

I'm Not Jessica: Hahahahaha. Silly, goofy fun. 

The Chute: I don't care what you say, laundry chutes are always going to be scary!


Ansigtet (The Face): Well.... that got sad FAST.

Me Time: A masterclass in humor, thrills, chills, and - frankly, overall wit!

The Springfield Three: A paranormal take, sorta, on a true crime story. It's an interesting take!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Candy Snatchers (1973)

October Challenge Day 30

Check out this mighty excellent '70s exploitation film! What more fitting a film for right before Halloween. Let's check out:

On second thought. No, it's actually about child abuse and kidnapping....

Here we have sweet teenage Candy, who's family has a lot of jewels. Three pieces of shit kidnap Candy for ransom. 

Uh Oh, though. I mute child accidentally stumbled across the crime scene! They have a witness who can't speak!

Bumbling commences. Bumbling, graphic interactions, yelling, screaming, and everything that comes from a classic late night exploitation film.

I would certainly call this movie a classic. It's gritty, raw, hilariously overdramatic, and just overall fun gross.

Absolutely watch with friends and it really should be a late night showing. Perfect for  midnight +. Maybe watch while you're eating Halloween candy. 

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side to see where else you can find this masterpiece of absurdity.

Flesh and Fantasy (1943)

October Challenge Day 29

Looking for a spooky little black and white trilogy? Looking for something a little cute, quaint, and fun for just about everyone? Let's take a look at:

I didn't see as much flesh or fantasy as I was expecting, but overall it was delight!

Here we have the story opening with a man who is frightened of some omens and signs he's been seeing. Another man says "See here, good fellow" and opens up some books about why he shouldn't be afraid of those things ... or should he...

These are three strange tales about a supernatural mask (with a loud moral lesson at the end), and then we have a man who is very good - wouldn't hurt a fly, suddenly be warned that he'll kill someone... and finally we have a romance that revolves around a circus performer, ear rings, and possible jail time. 

This is a fun film for just about everyone (bring the whole family), particular folks who don't like the really scary stuff. 

This was an absolutely perfect Saturday morning watch for me. Pairs with tea, little sunshine while you're dusting your witchy sh*t.

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this cozy feature.

The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting (2003)

October Challenge Day 28

Well, we're coming to an end soon with this daily challenge. I'm going to miss you, October!

I'm not going to miss you, much:

I have not been waiting for you, it seems.... 

My brother sent this to me as some sort of challenge. When he handed over the DVD he had rented, I detected a smirk on his face. 

About 5 minutes into the film I burst out laughing. Yep, we siblings know each other well!

Here's the story about a couple who are traveling down rural Texas and pick up a hitch-hiker. 

Everything goes wrong from there!

Uh. This is not a good film. It's accidentally funny and wildly chaotic though, and that makes it Entertaining!

With not a whole lot of good things to say about it, I did enjoy goofy bedlam. It feels like if a movie spent the afternoon day drinking in the sun. It looked like a made-for-TV movie that was shown on a big screen. In all: this film is certainly something.

This movie was rented from Scarecrow Video, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this visual explosion.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

I Am Not a Monster: The Lois Riess Murders (2024)

October Challenge Day 27

Well, normally I wait until November until I dive into a TON of true crime documentaries, but I'm all willy nilly this year. Let's check out: 

Gurl. You sure about that?

Also, the tag line is HILARIOUS. Who did that? WHO DID THAT? ... there's something wrong with grandma.... OMG

I remember hearing about this story when it first came out. Wild. A husband is found dead, wife is missing and a suspect in his murder, and then things continue to get f*cking wild. 

Ma'am. You might not see yourself as a monster but there's certainly some monster in there! Seriously. 

We're taken down her paths of abuse, mental illness (and there's a lot in that family), her quirkiness, her addiction, and the lengths she took to avoid taking accountability. She's a frustrating one - with plenty of truths in there to account for her behavior. 

She's a murderer. Plain and simple. How she became that way and what she did is a compelling story, however. This is a true horror story, for so many. And a reminder that monsters are in fact real and they come in all forms - be it as a human or the things in life that help create monsters.  

Best watched with a bestie who will help you bury the body. Pairs with apples pies. I watched this film on HBO Max, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this moderately thrilling documentary. 

Blithe Spirit (1945)

October Challenge Day 26

Nothing quite like kicking off a Saturday morning, all curled up and with nowhere to go, like a classic ghost story! Let's talk about:

Oh, this one is cute *dated* but cute. 

Here we have the story of a man and his second wife, just living their best life kinda making fun of mediums as entertainment. So they host a dinner and have a medium come over. 

And oops. The spirit of his first wife appears! She's wrecking havoc in the house and to the marriage. Just being a little menace. 

It's all cheeky, with fast talkers and witty lines - throw in some casual domestic violence... yikes. 

It's not bad - it's not great! I actually thought I would like it more, though. I imagine seeing this in its original play format would have been wildly entertaining, now that I think about it. 

In all this is a perfect pick for a lazy morning. Lounge in your best lounge wear, practice your transatlantic accent over coffee or an expensive port. 

I watched this film on Amazon Prime, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this tickler of a spooky feature. 

Monday, October 28, 2024

Satan's Little Helper (2004)

October Challenge Day 25

So, I ... I went through a weird period in my life, during the early 2000's, where I thought I saw this film - among so many others. 

I'm just now realizing that that must have just been some weird fever dream because nearly all the films I thought I saw in the early 2000's - I didn't. This one included. 

Let's talk about: 

I .... do not like this film. I appreciate this film! Just don't really like it.... 

Here we have the story of a child who is really into video games and mistakes a serial killer as "Satan" from the video game. He's delighted. So is the serial killer. 

This is a cheeky film. It's as if John Waters and Troma had a love child. It's wildly inappropriate and a blood bath - all to say it's fun and entertaining. Just not my go-to fun and entertaining.

But here's where this film was a super win for me. I curled up on the couch on a Friday night, had all my snacks, turned on Joe Bob Brigg's Last Drive-In and he had this playing. Win win win all the way. 

There really is nothing like a late night TV host, sheparding you through horror films on a weekend night. I was in heaven. Just drift away in the comfort of absurdity, humor, gore, and the community of horror.

This is a good film for those weekend nights. This is a great film for those nights. 

I watched this film on Shudder or use Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this cheeky, cheeky feature. 

Piggy (2022)

October Challenge Day 24

Well, this one has been on my To Watch list for a while. Let's go, let's check out: 

And it should come to no one's surprise that this is a disturbing feature about very real horrors. Bullying.

I hate bullies. 


This young woman is bullied by everyone. Family, community, school - everyone. She's their punching bag and it's hard to watch. It's really hard to watch. 

And then a serial killer shows up in town and is all "Got you, gurl."

Which, if you ask me, is another form of bullying! Now she's at the mercy of a gaddamn serial killer. 

This film is predictable and also not. I watched the end a few times. Just know that. 

This is a slasher film with a different bullied twist....

One could argue that I bullied bullies, particularly in high school. I remember seeing a friend standing in the hallway, crying, because a shit of a boy made fun of her in gym class. 

I immediately hunted - *HUNTED* this boy down. Found him in the computer room and made of a mockery of his entire existence, his friends, the entire school, god - everyone, because I have a big mouth and it's harsh. This Taurus mouth be harsh sometimes.

In all, this film reminded me of that moment where I went on a blind rage and hunted down one of the school's most notorious bullies. He didn't bother my friend again. 

I watched this film on Hulu or use the Watch It! Find It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this satisfying feature. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sweet Bobby: My Catfish Nightmare (2024)

October Challenge Day 23

What in the ....?! Let's take a look at:

Here we have the story of a woman who was catchfished for nearly 10 years. Now, while they had met in person, briefly, it wasn't until "Bobby" sent her a friend request that things began to spiral out of control. 

Such a web of lies was created, including more catfish profiles, that several people began to believe the lie. 

Things take a wild turn though, when "Bobby" is in a hospital and lost his voice, so he can't ever talk on the phone. Then he went into the witness protection program across seas, then he proposed with a photo of a ring, (and still so many more insane things) and yet still they never met or video chatted or talked on the phone. For years. 

Now, normally questions would start flying and eye rolling would be rolling VERY early in this situation. While her personal vulnerability and cultural elements played a role in prolonging this situation, the real monster here is:

It's an addiction, a behavioral addiction and a very, very serious one that I hardly hear anyone talking about!!

We're all vulnerable to it, and likely may have experienced it at least once. It leads to doing maddening things - murder not excluded, for example. 

This is a difficult watch and yes, you'll get very frustrated with her, but that's because you're outside the experience and now just watching it with 20/20 hindsight. Easy to make judgements there. Also remember, she was in the throws of a massive, massive addiction.

In all, this is an alarming story in so many ways. Most alarming is the catfisher! And Why They Did It! Good f*cking heavens... some souls are just lost. 

I watched this film on Netflix, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you might find this very anxiety-ridden feature. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Monsters (Television Show, 2022)

October Challenge Day 22

I went down a Menendez brother's rabbit hole with this show.

I hadn't really thought of these guys in a long time, actually. I didn't even pay that much attention to them at the time of the trials. Let's talk about the new series:

I, like many others at the time, took one look at these two, privileged brothers and instantly got the ick. Of course they killed their parents. They're rotten, spoiled, sociopaths. 

Now, I was in a PARTICULARLY searing mood about them because at the time, my hometown was dealing with finally prosecuting the two young men (privileged, rotten, spoiled sociopaths) who raped and murdered a young mother from the Standing Rock reservation. They got away with it for 15 years - until the truth came out during a nasty divorce. 

I was in No Mood to hear about these brothers while I sitting next to the son of a murdered indigenous woman in my home room class. 

So all these years I just kind of dismissed these guys. I still do, actually. But I have to say this show is really well done and does an absolutely stellar job of making the viewer question who is the real monster and how many are there? 

I'm going to say there are a lot. The monsters here are in so many cracks and crevices of our society. So ingrained and systemic, and so much a part of our daily fabric that it's had to see the forest from the trees.  

This series is an excellent, although fictional, look into what happened with these terrible murders, what really happened, what maybe happened, and how so many things can be true and false at the same time. 

Yep. So these brothers murdered their parents. Why did they do it? Questionable, but that doesn't really matter to me at this point. 

I actually think they should be freed now, as I don't believe they are a danger to society and have paid a deal of time - they still seem rather arrogant though, so hope they keep that in check if they are released. 

All to say, I think they should be released. Hell, a rapist and murderer was released. He's dead now

I watched this series on Netflix, or use the Find It! Watch it! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can watch this engrossing show. 

The Piano Teacher (2001)

October Challenge Day 21

So. This movie's poster has given me feels - not good ones - ever since I first saw it some 20 years ago. 

I didn't know what it was. I didn't know if it was because they are in a bathroom, on the bathroom ground floor, or they are so clearly in a mindless passion. Either way, I think this image is VERY MUCH ON PURPOSE, let's talk about: 

Ugggggg. This film upset me so much - and then it didn't. Or at least, I think it didn't but it probably still does. 

This one has been on my radar for a while now and I've been avoiding it like I avoid that very uncomfortable man who continues to bump into me in the bread section of the local grocery store and he says "We need to stop meeting like this". I laugh and say "yeah. This is weird", as I walk away. 

But then I finally caved and decide to go on a date with him and then I walk away little traumatized but safe. 

This film is about Abuse. 

All sorts of abuse here! Mental, emotional, physical - you name it. 

An unhinged look into fetishes and control (bad control), here we have the story of a young man who becomes obsessed with his very unwell teacher. 


Of course it's another film you'll find in the Drama section, but again, I find drama to be so absolutely horrifying so here it is, being reviewed!

This film feels gross. It's just gross, uneasy, and a cringe binge red flag party all around. No one is doing well here but it presents as some sort of romance. The ending had my in panic attacks. 

Best watched alone, living your best single life. Pairs with soup that's been on the stove for several days. I watched this film on HBO Max, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this UGGGH of a feature. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Woman of the Hour (2023)

October Challenge Day 20

I was surprised to have never heard of this film before a few days ago! I did know who this film is based on, however. Let's talk about: 

This is an excellent look into the feeling - particularly gut feeling - women have about dangerous people and how FRUSTRATING it is when we are not listened to. Worse still! How we just want to go about life and not be murdered for existing. That would be great. 

And yet, here we are still, with awful men doing awful things, hence why this film is still so applicable. 

Anna Kendrick stars and directs in this real life slasher about serial killer POS: Rodney Alcala and how one woman slipped through his web after she picked him in a televised dating game but *something wasn't right* so no date occurred. 

Her gut feeling saved her life. Literally. 

So I would call this a Girl's Girl horror film. I don't know how else to explain it. Is it all accurate? No. Does it need to be all accurate in this rendering? No. This film is allegories and examples. 

This story also shows just how easily monsters, which are everywhere and in various forms, slip into our world and wreck havoc. It's also a story of survival and just being tired of the patriarchy's bullshit.

Overall a solid film and a nice choice for a girl's night in. Best watched with friends who all share their dating horror stories. Pairs with IDAF cake, pajamas, and full glasses of champagne sitting on top of moving boxes. 

I watched this film on Netflix or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this depressingly accurate and well done feature.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Caveat (2020)

October Challenge Day 19

To my complete surprise I never logged or wrote up a review about this movie - which I've seen three times now. 

Let's talk about:

This movie's premise is WILD.

Here we have the story of a very sus uncle who leaves a strange man - locked in chains - at a decaying mansion so that this strange man can watch over his mentally unstable niece. 

Bruh, what?

Hot off the heals of my review of the director's other film, Oddity, this story hits all the creepy crawlies and leaves you with a certain sense of doom you have yet to encounter.

This film is gross but not in a gory way. It's just - you don't want to touch anything here. You don't want to sit any any chairs (they all look unstable) and you certainly don't want to go in the basement or the fridge!

This story also looks like it smells musty, and of decay and regret. All to say I loved it.

This film upsets me on so many levels, mostly because I can't contain it in any *review*. It gives me feels that I don't understand - and don't want to understand, frankly. It makes my brain itch and my skin crawl. I always have so many questions but I don't want any answers. 

This film is a dream and a reality I fear. It's also all over the place but in the most organized way.  This is not a horror film for everyone, but everyone should see it at least once. 

Best watched alone or with one other person you Do Not Trust, Much. Paris with dusty, dented cans of soup all lined up in a row. Don't eat them though. 

I watched this film on Shudder, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this soul snatching feature. 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Oddity (2024)

October Challenge Day 18

Oh hell yeah!!! This one is great! 

I had to watch it twice, though. Let's talk about:

From the great minds who brought us, Caveat (which, to my complete surprise, I haven't yet reviewed and ALSO had to watch twice), we have a CHILLER of a ghost story. 

Here we have a mental institution psychologist and his wife who are renovating a converted farm house. One night, while she's alone, she's murdered in the home. 

Everything looks like the culprit is a deranged patient from the institution, but the woman's blind twin sister - who has psychometry skills - knows, after touching the suspect's glass eye, who murdered her sister. 

This is a creeping, crawling, slow burn that is captivating throughout the entire film. Do not be distracted like I was as I was researching the filming locations. You'll need to keep your eye on every detail of this paranormal thriller. 

There's something gross and tangible about this film but I can't put my finger on it. Pun sort of intended there. It engages nearly all the senses and forces you to look in the shadows. 

Side note, I went on a date about a month ago. Something came up where he asked if I like antique stores. I do, but then I added a *caveat*, that I can't be in them for very long. I get overwhelmed. 

He asked what I meant and I said (and I can't believe I said this out loud on a first date) that I see things. I see ghosts, spirits, etc. but that I also see things when I touch items and it gets overwhelming for me. 

This poor man looked at me like I was a little touched in the head. I just shrugged. Not much I can really do about this - I just let it happen when it happens and I do my best to ground and protect myself.

Welp. He said he had a great time and I'm a great person but he's leaving now lololololololo

In any case, overall - I just love this film. It will stick with me for a long time. 

Best watched alone or one other person. Pairs with a charcuterie board and a big glass of ice cold water. 

I watched this film on Shudder or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this ghastly, ghoulish feature. 

Christine (1983)

October Challenge Day 17

When you have a free evening to do what ever you want, it's already dark outside, and the weather is threatening a wind storm: you settle into your pjs, get a pizza, and chill out with a Stephen King classic. Let's talk about:

I forgot how much I enjoy this film. It's been years, and I think it ages better with time. At the very least, the nostalgia does its nostalgia thing better over time with this one.

While about a haunted/possessed car, which is frightening overall, there is a real sadness with the story. One could argue the sadness is what makes this film so chilling. 

For those unfamiliar, here we have the story of a bullied teenager who impulse buys a dilapidated car and the car *consumes* him, as the car has consumed everyone it comes into contact with.  

Things Don't End Well~

I can't shake the feeling of a greater narrative at play, with this tale. A story about teenage angst, a young man's struggle with his emotions and identity, and the similarities here with loved ones watching someone descend into madness and addiction. 

It's a hard watch. Which is probably why a possessed car is thrown in the mix - it helps translate the difficult by scaring us first. 

In all I love this film. It's a solid fright with a deeper story (I think), that could be discussed for hours.

Best watched with at least a best friend. Paris with beer, pizza, popcorn, and a faint hint of motor oil and rusted car parts lingering in the air. 

I watched this film on Peacock or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you watch this *classic*. 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

October Challenge Day 16

You know what is one of the best things and can never be taken from me? The experience of taking my eldest nephew to see this film, for the first time, in the theater. 

Let's talk about the EVER classic:

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Happy to report my nephew enjoyed it - even though horror is not totally his thing. But he's young - I'll give it time.

This isn't really a review of the film itself as it is a review about the wonderful experience of seeing this film in a packed theater. Which was FANTASTIC!

I love theaters - I worked in one lifetimes ago but I still love going to see films in the theater. I'm a big supporter of independent film and independent theater, which is why I support the Seattle Independent Film Festival (SIFF), which now owns and operates several theaters in Seattle. 

SIFF was showing this film one night while my nephew was visiting from out-of-town so of course my brother and I knew what we needed to do as a stellar aunt and uncle. I was totally delighted to see the theater was filled with so many like-minded folks, where we all jumped at the same time and clapped at the credits. Even though I'm sure nearly everyone has seen this film several times before. Great bonding experience with strangers.  

Something I forgot about this film is the constant screaming for the last 30 minutes. It's .... a lot. So I went and grabbed another beer to just have a break for a minute. Still, this film is a master class in just general chaos and mayhem. 

The film is a right of passage and a must see for ANY horror fan. But if you're reading this, you already know that. 

In all, support independent theater and movies. Enjoy the experience with others.

I watched this film (again) at the Egyptian Theater in Seattle. Or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can experience this film with someone. 

MaXXXine (2024)

October Challenge Day 15

I was pretty excited to see this film - the third in the X series. I also wasn't expecting much aside from being entertained.

Let's talk about:


I got what I asked for! 

Here we have the story of Maxine Minx making it big in Hollywood after surviving her Texas Chainsaw Massacre experience in the '70s. It's the '80's now, baby, and her work in the porn industry is rising her through the movie ranks. 

Unfortunately there is a serial killer loose in the city. AND someone stalking her, knows her dark history. 

While not as engaging as the earlier two films, this is still a fun one to watch. I appreciated the style and era references - the fine touches on this film are excellent. And as is the case for all these films, the desire and practical want or use of sex is the catalyst. And again with all these films, a woman is handling it all Just Fine. 

This is a casual horror film for casual watching. Best watched with friends who know EXACTLY how to handle you when you go out for a night. Pairs with very little food and maybe some coffee. 

I watched this film on HBO Max or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this rad feature. 

The Demon Disorder (2024)

October Challenge Day 14

There is just something about generational trauma films that scares the piss out of me. 

Let's talk about:

Here we have three brothers who regroup under the decaying family home, after the youngest brother starts developing symptoms of their dead father. 

This film is absolutely disgusting. I mean, The Thing levels of practical effects. There's something lurking in the family home and it's gross AF. 

I found myself reacting to the morbid '80s style of the house, the sibling connection (as I have several brothers) and the courage it takes for children to face their generational demons - bestowed to them against their will. 

This is a complex film and I wouldn't recommend it unless you've healed from a traumatizing religious background and/or from taking care of an aging parent. 

It's also oddly funny at times. Funny in the way you'll have a case of the giggles at the most inappropriate time, odd.

Again, profoundly graphic, gruesome, and shudder inducing. This is a film for HORROR fans and not light horror fans. 

Best watched with siblings or friends with parents in a nursing home, suffering from dementia.  Pairs with a bad looking cake and some soup.

I watched this film on Shudder or use Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this heart-wrenching, gut punching feature.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Stranger Within (1974)

October Challenge Day 13

It's been a while since a movie has blindsided me. You think you have it all figured out and then bam! Let's talk about: 

This is a story about a woman who somehow got pregnant by someone other than her husband. She's always been faithful and he's snipped. Worse still, a pregnancy could kill her. 

What's going on here? 

I know what you're already thinking - Satan. Because almost all supernatural pregnancy movies involve religion because religion just can't help themselves. They MUST have control over a woman, and if they don't either the devil did it or the woman is somehow connected to the devil.

Yawn (most of the time).

I'm happy to report this made-for-TV movie surprised me on multiple occasions with their clever little take on this tired trope. I can't say more without giving the story away.

In this current climate of post Roe v Wade madness, I thought this was a fine take on the power of women, particularly pregnant woman. Also, give us our f*cking bodily autonomy rights back you sons of b*tches.

Best watched in a small group or alone. Pairs with coffee and raw meat.

I rented this movie from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this unique feature. 

Cabin in the Woods (Television Show, 2024)

October Challenge Day 12

I was hesitant about this true crime show at first - seemed like it might be a bit cheeky. Nope. 

Let's talk about:

Not to be confused with the cheeky Cabin in the Woods movie, this television show goes into the grisly details of people who have been murdered in: A cabin in the woods. 

I'm still not entirely sold on this title but this show does a good job of humanizing the victims of these terrible, terrible crimes. And they are wildly horrifying crimes!

Fellow true crime junkies will certainly enjoy this show, and probably will be shocked that these people's stories have never been heard before (at least I never heard of these crimes before). 

At the time of my writing this there have only been 5 episodes so far (so note that), and I'm looking forward to seeing more episodes. 

As with all true crime, these stories make me simultaneously sad and horrified. Why are people so awful? There's an extra shudder at the remoteness of these crimes. The fear, the isolation, the harm.

Rest in peace, victims, the families, and loved ones. I take these viewings seriously and take the caution and advice.

I watched this show on HBO Max, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this soul shuddering series. 

Diary of a Mad Housewife (1970)

October Challenge Day 11

I knew within the first 2 minutes of this film that every man in it was going to piss me right the f*ck off. I was right! Let's talk about:

Oh this film is ROUGH. Not in the "typical" horror sense - just the average day-to-day for too many women. 

It got so bad at one point that I began to have a full blown panic attack. So badly that I was seriously afraid so I put on my headphones and listened to a Governor Tim Walz speech while the movie played in the background - just anything than to listen to the monsters in this film. 

Here we have the story of a woman who's DONE with her abusive husband and lover. She doesn't know she's done yet, her soul just starts slipping away at the constant barrage of toxic masculinity. 

Oh and it just keeps getting worse. Particularly at the end...

Again, this is a horror film for women, in particular, and The BULLSHIT we've had to endure since forever. 

Keep decentering men, ladies. Fight for your rights. Be a bog witch - that's the only way out of this hell hole called patriarchy. Shout out to all the men doing the lord's work on this too. 

UGH! This film upset more than most. 

Best watched with besties getting out of an abusive relationship. Pairs with girl dinner and a lot of swear words. 

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this very frustrating feature. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Daddy's Head (2024)

October Challenge Day 10

Oh holy smokes, this one is FRIGHTENING. Let's talk about: 

My oh my, movies about grief are just some of the scariest for me. I have a lump in my throat as I'm screaming with these....

Here we have the heart crushing story about a young boy and his step mother, as they process life after the boy's father and her new husband dies suddenly in a tragic accident. 

The child is now an orphan, and she never wanted kids. But here we are, with a creature lurking in the woods and crawling around their home, trying to lure the child into the woods. 

And this is a scary creature!! 

And let's just talk about the title of this film for a second. It's horrifying! Who comes up with a title like this [crying in fear]?

The nightmare of grief is already terrifying but adding an actual monster - ugggggggggg!

My heart ached for this kid. I kept thinking of my husband, who is now deceased, what life was like at that age when he became an orphan himself. And then I kept remembering what it was like when I took my husband off life support.... he would have been 49 in a few days.

The heart ache. The pain. Sometimes it creates A Monster.

This was a little bit difficult for me to watch, just for personal reasons, but it's a stellar, stellar horror film for anyone!

This slow burn is best watched alone. Pairs with wine and food that should sound good but you're just not hungry. 

I watched this film on Shudder or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this absolute frightening feature. 

Wedding Slashers (2006)

October Challenge Day 9

Uh. This film was .... interesting .... Let's talk about:

First of all. This is not a great film. Let's just get that out of the way. This film did appear, however, to reflect that everyone who made it were having a lot of fun. 

It carried the vibe of a bunch of friends from high school and college got together over drinks one night at the local pub, and decided to make a film. They'll figure the rest of it out as they go along.

There were certainly some funny moments where it felt like the really smart kids in the group had a heyday with writing the script, and yet, in the end, the film was a struggle. Who cares though, so long as everyone had fun. 

This is a story about a young woman who's boyfriends keep dying. When the love of her life asks her to marry him, she's hesitant. But then the big day arrives and so does her family, and all hell breaks loose. 

 A silly film with some clever kill scenes, this one is for a lazy day lounging in all the lazy wear.

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this bloody, silly mess. 

Werewolf (1995)

October Challenge Day 8

Well.  So my quest for a quality werewolf films continues.... 

Let's talk about:

So werewolf films are hard. I get it. They ... even on the surface, are silly. But when you really dig into the history and role this monster plays across all humanity and history, it should be the most frightening thing. 

Yet, here we are. With another ho hum werewolf film.

Here we have the story - and even opening scenes - of a white man beating an indigenous person after they unearthed a werewolf skeleton. 

Off to a terrible start.

This film is working on a different trope in that the werewolf is also part of a scientific experience gone wrong? I think?

It got so silly for me that I made a TikTok video about it. 


I can't say I liked this film. I can say I was entertained though. It ... was ... something. 

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this .... movie.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Return to Salem's Lot (1987)

October Challenge Day 7: 

This film is UNHINGED. 

I love it. Let's talk about:

Leave it to Larry Cohen to bring us to a small town full of vampires - with his typical scathing humor and spit-your-drink out bluntness. 

This film is feral. 
Absolutely feral.

I'm catching up on all the Salem's Lot movies/shows before I begin on the one that just came out. I was not prepared for this film. Not Prepared!

This film has the same energy as that one rural, wild, small town bar when that one guy everybody knows walks in and it's either going to be a laugh or bottles might be thrown. Chaotic. Curiously entertaining in that cutesy chaotic way. 

Michael Moriarty is a HOOT. This man is so accidentally on purposes full entertainment.

Well, folks, here we have the story of a father and son who are looking to move back to the father's rural home town and whoops. Turns out it's flooded with vampires. Vampires with a purposes for both father and son....

Utterly ridiculous and a wild fun ride, I am so delighted by how much this film surprised me in such a fun way.

I watched this film on HBO Max, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this wild, feral feature. 

The Substance (2024)

October Challenge Day 6:

My friends and family were so excited to see this film. So the group of us headed over to the movie theater I once worked at and piled into the seats. 

Let's talk about:

The Substance

So all I knew about this film, walking in, was it was about women aging. That's about it. 

I love walking into films blind!

Here we have a starlet who's feeling time taking a toll on her mind, body, career, and soul.  Much of chaos that ensues could have been avoided if it weren't for toxic patriarchy and self esteem battles. But that wouldn't make for a great horror film. 

Throughout the film I kept chuckling about my own aging process. How wild it was that in my stupid youth (because youth is wasted on the young) I was free in my not fully developed frontal lobe, loving the world and making it through life on my own, working as a ticket taker at a movie theater. 

I had to hold back a chuckle when I ordered a drink at the concession stand when I told the staff, excitedly, "I used to work here, 27 years ago!?". Guess what, no body cared. No Body Cared lolololololololololo

Funny how those 27 years went by so quickly though. In the bathroom there I took a good look at my face in the mirrors I used to once wash while wearing my little theater uniform and bowtie.... I'm pretty alright with how things turned out. 

I think that's the point of the film, to a significant degree. Being okay with saying goodbye to who you were, appreciating where you're at, and having a good laugh and cry at all the time that was wasted (and not wasted). It goes much deeper than that but this is a conversation starter. 

This film is also a spectacular gory blood bath. Even this hardened horror fan had to look a way for a minute to two. Body horror all the way! And by the end, there was such a blood fiasco that I just ended up laughing out loud. Nearly all of us did.

Something my brother and I noticed were all the tributes to classic horror films and the art of practical effects throughout this film.  Let me know how many tributes you found! 

With this film floating between eras and ages, I couldn't stop thinking about how disgusting and beautiful it all was. Almost as if it was a heartache. A woman's heartache.

So I personally loved this film and looking forward to seeing it again. Chef's kiss.

I watched this film in the theater. Use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you might be able to find this GORY feature.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Backfire (1987)

October Challenge Day 5:

Oh this here is some sultry business! A classic, classic '80s late night thriller. Let's talk about:


Here we have the story of a Vietnam Veteran who is suffering from PTSD and his wife is doing her best to take care of him. Even through this nightmares, his outbursts, his drinking, his embarrassing and controlling behavior...

He experiences an extreme traumatic response and becomes catatonic, where his wife now needs to *really* take care of him in their looming mansion along the water. What could possibly go wrong here?

Oh you know, everything. 

Now, I come from a military family and have dedicated my career to Veterans, so I don't take military PTSD (or any PTSD-related experience, for that matter) lightly and don't want it portrayed lightly. And honestly, I was pretty impressed with how this film handled the experience. Surprised, even, how the story unfolded and concluded.

In all, this is a silky thriller with a solid, nerve-wracking plot and nicely executed acting. Don't care for this poster art through [rolling side eye for eva].

Watch with a friend or with strangers in a bar. Pairs with beers, shots, and salty, salty food.

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this luscious film.  

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Raw Nerve (1991)

October Challenge Day #4

Well, this one was interesting .... let's talk about:

Raw Nerve:

Here we have the classic tale of a race car driver who suddenly starts to have visions of women being murdered. This is not good for him and questions are flying. 

And then things got *really* weird. 

This is a solid thriller/slasher with a twist ending that may make you feel kinda gross. Like, it's surprising they went that direction. I'm not big in spoilers but think, Chinatown...

I can't say I liked this film much but I respect it. I stayed for Sandahl Bergman and Traci Lords, who were wildly entertaining. 

Are you in the mood for mediocre '90s fun and a fast acting, fast talking journalist who's just trying to find the truth behind the man who claims to have visions of murders? Then this film is for you. 

Watch while making soup and maybe doing some dusting. Pairs with soup and a leg up on the couch, lounging in your best and most lazy lounge wear. 

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see elsewhere you can find this overall entertaining film. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Apartment 7A (2024)

October Challenge Day 3: 

When I started this film up, I legit - Legit - had no idea what I was getting into. 

I was somehow so oblivious about this film that I had no idea it was a prequel to Rosemary's Baby until about 20 minutes in. 

Let's take a moment to talk about: 

Here we have the story of Terry, who Rosemary met once and long ago in the basement laundry room. We only knew her for a minute...

And that's when I realized it's been a long time since I've seen Rosemary's Baby. We'll get back to that later...

I appreciate the originality. I really appreciated how an entire movie was made surrounding the backstory of a bit character in a Classic horror film. 

I'm sad to say that I felt a majority of the film was weak - and I have no real other term for this experience. The film felt forced and uninspired aside from depending on people who just love Rosemary's Baby. And still, I loved the idea. 

Here we have the story of down-on-her luck young woman in New York who is gifted the opportunity to move into a stellar apartment and start a new life. Who wouldn't turn that down. Unfortunately, if it's too good to be true, it usually is...

Made more spooky for me though, is that I just came back from a visit to New York City for the first time in my life and I realized I was right next to The Dakota as I was strolling Central Park...

In all, I wanted to like this film more than I did. I appreciated the work and creativity. I was disappointing by the final outcome with exception to the very end which packed a punch. 

This is worth at least one watch and I'll be curious to see how this one matures as time creeps on. 

Best watched in alone or with a small group. Pairs with soup and strange dishes that sound like they should be familiar but aren't.

I watched this film on Paramount+ or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's sidebar to see where else you can watch this classic demon story.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Fire Island (2023)

October Challenge Day 2: 

So I was completely shocked when this film started auto playing when I wasn't paying attention... 

Let's talk about:

Folks, I about fell out of my chair when I saw this come across my screen. Because I had Just arrived from Fire Island, NY a month ago. Why did this film auto play!??!?

AND I LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF FIRE ISLAND (the actual ISLAND). So when this started playing I was obligated to sit my ass down and stay. 

When I first got off the ferry and wandered into the Cherry Grove village of Fire Island I knew I was in heaven and found my safe place. Which makes it all the more interesting that this film turned this place into a horror film ... hahahaha. 

Here were have a group of 20 somethings excited for a visit to the now near deserted island right around the height of the COVID-19 lock down era. Happy-go-lucky and excited to hug people again, these friends wander around the small island through it's dunes and unique forest - failing to notice they are being hunted by something.

Now, when I tell you Fire Island (particularly Cherry Grove) is the safest place I've ever been that's not an exaggeration. Well, I mean, you'll need to avoid the sharks, rip tides, and drunkenly falling off the boardwalks but other than that! Perfectly safe place. There aren't even cars to worry about - No Cars Allowed! Even the deer come right up to you. Don't touch them though. Ticks. 

This most personal of an expedience made this film even more humorous for me. Literally the safest place I've ever been -  I was outside showering in front of god and man, maybe I showed my breasts for a few bucks off my drinks (it is an expensive place, FYI), attending drag show after drag show - and this movie is all out here trying to tell me to be scared of the place. Lololololo

This film struggled, though. I, uh, would not call it a good film. GREAT if you are familiar with the island, however. Also note, they keep referring to another village on the island called The Pines, but most of the shots were in Cherry Grove (FYI). Also, also note, don't confuse this movie with the romantic comedy Fire Island from 2022, which is a more accurate portrayal of the Fire Island experience.

I had such a wonderful time in Fire Island I can't be mad at this film. It just brought back so many fresh, happy memories - even through all the murdering. 

Best watched with friends, on the beach or in a luxurious back yard. Pairs with lot of booze. 

I watched this film on Paramount+ or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this cheeky slasher. 

Now, please enjoy some pictures I took of Fire Island!