Saturday, October 2, 2021

Ms .45 (1981)

 October Challenge Day 2: 

This cult classic roamed around in the background of my To-Watch list for quite some time. I didn't know a *whole* lot about it, but I knew it involved rape and that, well, that is just a big nope in my case most of the time. Most. 

But this one came up in my Shudder account and decided to finally give it a try. I think it might have been the revenge aspect that really caught my eye. 

Let me introduce you to the cringe binge fest that is:

Ms. 45

Here we have a young, mute woman who it attacked not once, but twice in one day as she's just going about her world, living her best life.


This film is full of social commentary and can lead to long discussions after viewing. Particularly in regards to the approach and evolution of the revenge she inflicts on the patriarchy - which, yeah, at first I'm not even going to stop her. 

Her being mute is a VERY interesting aspect and you'll have to watch until the itty bitty end to see how much of an impact her not being able to speak, actually speaks to the focus of the story and the film's message. 

In all I was blown away by this film. As usual, I came across a film that I avoided for vague reasons only to have it blow my f*cking mind. I love when this happens and I am proven wrong on my initial reactions to a movie description. 

This film is gritty, raw, absolutely beautiful, stunning, and f*cking bad ass. Again, I want to stress - although bad ass - it's the evolution of the bad assery that is absolutely fascinating. 

Best watched with your best ladies - particularly a small group. Pairs with dishes made from a deteriorating cook book. Fans of cult films: Do Not Miss This One.

I watched this film on Shudder, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this remarkable film. 

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