Saturday, October 14, 2023

I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020)

October Challenge Day 14

Well this film f*cked me up.

I remember adding this book to my To Read list on Goodreads, when it first came out, and I felt a chill run through me even then. 

I still haven't read the book but I decided to dive into the movie version. Oh goodness. Let's take a look at:

This is a profoundly difficult and emotional film. While I was trying to figure out if this was a "horror" story, even when the book came out, I quickly discovered this is a nightmare, a heartbreaking nightmare of a story.

Heads up, when you type this title in a search engine, you are immediately directed to a crisis clinic. 

So I immediately fell in love with this film with the opening credits. The Yellow Wallpaper vibes was so felt and I was all: Oh yes, I'm going to understand this film. 

And I did - but not in the way I was expecting. 

This is the story about a woman who is contemplating ending a roughly 7 week relationship with her boyfriend. 

Harmless enough, right? We've all had those thoughts and the thoughts she shares are alarmingly close to everything I've experienced (and thought). I felt attacked. Her thoughts are loud.

Not everything is as it seems, though, and the story unveils nightmares of the soul for both her and her boyfriend. 

I wasn't sure what to expect from this film but I was scared, crying, and heartbroken by the end. Know that. 

100% not a film for everyone. This is a surreal film that dives into the heart of people, particularly lonely people, and not everyone wants to look there. I get it. This is a film for when you are ready to hear hard truths and, as the film stated "...if you look close enough, everything is the same."

Pairs with wine, cake, a roast, and difficult conversations with yourself. Have icecream on reserve. Best watched alone. 

I watched this film on Netflix or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this soul crusher (release?).

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