Thursday, October 5, 2023

Misbegotten (1997)

October Challenge Day 5

I can't even with this one. I can't!  Hahahaha! It just touches on so many ... things. Let's take a look at:

This poster image! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO

Let's see what we can do here ... um. This film is about a serial killer who is OBSESSED with getting a woman pregnant. When his seed accidentally ends up in a fertility clinic, and a loving couple discovers they are pregnant thanks to the clinic's science, he becomes deadly obsessed with them. 

[drags palms down the face]

There's a lot going on here, folks.

Okay, first of all, as I do with all October Challenge films, I walked in blind to this movie, I'm just randomly selecting films, and I had no idea what this film was really about when I started it. Let me tell you. Let Me Tell You! The ick I had - the full body skin-crawl ick I experienced by this killer's obsession with inseminating a women - reached new heights.

Also, this is not really a great movie. It's pretty ... bad ... but it's also so off the charts with the plot that I was completely invested, much to my turning stomachs' suffering. 

Now, I also never had children. Never will want children - thank god my eggs are dying at rapid speed and I'm in the heart of perimenopause, of which I'm welcoming with open arms - because the idea of pregnancy already turns my stomach. [belch] Thank you to all the parents out there carrying on the human race! Lord's work, I imagine. 

I share all this because maybe that is why this mediocre at best film somewhat traumatized me? It got me thinking and came to some horrified theories: How often does this happen, really? Meaning, how many men out there are so frustrated at being unable to reproduce (reproduce vs. intercourse, specifically), they turn violent, psychotic? Is that part of the mania, the need for control AND reproducing? 

My brain just went down all sorts of rabbit holes and I started thinking about 28 Days Later  - the sexual slavery in that film very nearly made me throw up. I have panic attacks when I try to watch The Handmaid's Tale. I just gave up. I can't do. It's defeated me. 

Folks, I watch and listen to A Lot of true crime and it absolutely astounds me the level of stupid, violent sh*t men, in particular, do when they don't get their way. Also, October is Domestic Violence Awareness month.

In all, this film is a little nuts (this is one of my better puns - particularly when you see the ending of this film). It can't quite be rated. It's an experience. It's also unintentionally hilarious in many ways. It embodies the '90s low budget schlock while also being completely unhinged. 

Best watched with alone? I don't know. This one's hard. You might also need someone else there to validate what you're both seeing. Pairs with pepto bismol.

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you might find this tummy turner. 

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