Sunday, October 1, 2023

50 Horror Movies You May Have Missed (vol. 9)

Welcome to the ninth annual mega list of movies you may have missed! Hurrah for more movies, movies and lists! Check out where you can find these films on JustWatch.

So, without further ado and to welcome in this year's October Challenge, I present:

50 Horror Movies You May Have Missed (vol. 9)

Because there will be more. Oh yes, there will be more. 

A Good Woman is Hard to Find (2019): The landscape is drizzly, on the poorer side of a poor town, drugs are running pretty rampant, and this very young woman with two very young kids is just trying to make it minute to minute. She's not getting any great support from a mother who has been upset she married that man in the first place, and then suddenly a drug deal outside goes down - badly - and she suddenly finds herself face to face with a man named Tito standing in her kitchen. I was genuinely impressed with this film. It really surprised me because on the surface, it's a simple film. When you dive deeper, however, you find onion layer after onion layer of social commentary but also a straight up film about a woman who ran out of options one day and just wasn't going to take it anymore. Read more in my review here

After Hours (1985): My oh my. This man just wanted to hang out with this intriguing, strange women one evening and it turned into one of the worst nights of his life. This entire film felt like a fever dream, and you're tossing and turning, trying to battle your way through the sweat-soaked sheets. And just when you think the fever is about to break and you've made it through the worst of it. It actually gets worse for this young man. Mind-bending, trippy, and very original, this is a must see for a strange night.

Always Shine (2016): This is a horrifying film - absolutely a psychological thriller - still horrifying. Here we have a two young women embarking on a trip to a cabin in the woods, where, ideally they are going to reconnect and bond. Of course that doesn't happen! The evil demon that is unchecked rage and jealousy rears its ugly head, and here's where things get VERY INTERESTING and not in the way I was expecting. In all, a really well done film that will leave you with some questions at the end, but not for long - you just need to sit with the experience for a minute. Read more in my review here

The Babysitter (1995): This one is not going to sit right with some viewers. Some will hate it, some won't. You decide if watching a movie about different people being obsessed with an oblivious babysitter is right for you. I'm a sucker for '90s psychological thrillers though, especially when they take place in the Pacific Northwest. I love this classy trash. Slow and twisty, odd and creepy, this story just made my brain itch and my skin crawl. Creepy, awful, and inappropriate men galore. Watch at your own risk.

The Beast Within (1982): Welp folks, this one is about sexual assault and the pregnancy that results. Thing is ... it was a monster in the woods that attacked. A hard truth the now young man soon learns as he reaches his teenage years. Brutal and gruesome, this film also dives into a other topics of society (e.g., troubled, violent youth, etc). I walked into this film not expecting much and walked out surprised and disturbed. 

Black Christmas (2019): First, I recognize this film didn't always get the best reviews but I don't care. I liked it! I don't know if it's the world we're in right now or if I've officially reached an age where I'm really connecting with tales of angry old women saying 'f*ck you all' and going off to live in the woods, but I think I really needed to see some ladies on TV shoving pads down their pants, wearing little Santa suites while calling out rapists, smashing and bashing all manner of threats with all their might, and overall making everyone UNCOMFORTABLE. This film makes people uncomfortable. Read more in my review here.

The Black Scorpion (1957): Well, if you're looking for a little classic 1950's creature feature goodness then look no further! Here we have an earthquake that unearthed giant scorpions - and they begin their attack on the locals! So, the practical effects here are pretty damn neat. Cheesy at times, yes, but still a film worth investigating time in. Paris with Mexican dishes and a cozy night in with friends. 

Color Out of Space (2019): So I don't have any love for H.P. Lovecraft himself, but admittedly, some of his stories are truly terrifying and difficult to translate into film. This one is an exception, and psychologically, another deep dive into a bizarre, unnamed, predator 's power. So while the wildness of this story contaminates everything this poor family encounters, sit back and enjoy that this could never happen to you. Or ... could it. 

Creepy (2016): Here we have an ex-detective who was nearly killed by a psychopath, relocate and start a new life with this wife and dog in a new neighborhood. They're friendly folk and go around the neighborhood introducing themselves to their new neighbors. Everyone is weird and not friendly, except for one man who is acting a bit ... creepy. The movie quickly takes a turn from being creepy and drags you into a Japanese horror landscape that seems just Japanese horror can do. I will never look at vacuum storage bags the same again... Read more in my review here.

The Dark and the Wicked (2020): Who doesn't love some good ol' fashioned demon fun?! At times a bit heady, and heavy handed on family drama, it still gives chills and provides a good place for nightmares to fester. They say you can never really go home and these siblings probably shouldn't have even tried. Dark, foreboding, and overall sinister, this is really a good film for a really dark night.

The Deadly Spawn (1983): OH Yeah!! Another 1980's alien creature feature! Things start to do down when a meteorite crashes to earth and the creatures that emerge begin multiplying. Gross, quirky, and seriously entertaining, this one is an excellent choice for a movie night for all types of horror movie fans. Pairs with your favorite trash food and drink. 

Decoys (2004): Here we have a couple of college bros, excited to be on their own and hopping to jump into a hot girl's pants. Boring. Except! It was actually entertaining - despite the bros. It actually caught me off guard how hard I laughed at the opening scene. So we have a couple of best dudes loosing their mind over all the lovely college women, then one of these woman starts flirting with him. Uh oh. What will it lead to?!? IS IT SEX! It might be deadly, deadly SEX! This movie is my kind of trash, and by trash I mean it's actually pretty good but feeds my trash soul. This poster is also amazingly deceptive in what the story is really about. I can't stop laughing at its genius. Read more in my review here.

Don't Answer the Phone (1980): I might listen to a little too much true crime podcasts, but this one hits a little close to reality. Particularly in this era. A psychotic man is terrorizing local women, stalking and murdering them. The killer is not getting enough attention for his crimes though, so he starts harassing a psychologist and her patients. Great. Creepy and unnerving, this might be a good movie experience to share with your fellow true crime fans.  

Don't Let Her In (2021): Well, check you out, you fun little Full Moon Features gem!! Here we have the classic story of a hip, young couple who invites a new roommate to share their sprawling home and art space. Maybe they shouldn't have done that... and that is all you need to know! An all-around solid creeper that will likely surprise you. Hell, it's only an hour long, you can squeeze some time in for that. Treat yurself! Read more in my review here.

Female Trouble (1979): I LOVE JOHN WATERS. This film is genius. Here we have the story of a high school girl who goes down "the wrong path" and ends up in a pile of trouble that just keeps mounting. Chaos, mayhem, and total dysfunction - the story leads us to murder and the madness that ensues from it all. Excellent choice for small group devoted to cult classic films.

Haunt (2019): While I despised this title so much, the film itself won me over! The brief synopsis is not capable of describing how clever and interesting this film is. Sure, it's about a bunch of college students who check out a haunted house attraction, but it's also brilliantly filmed. The cinematography is wildly well done considering the bland topic. Excellent acting, striking jump scares, and amazing kill scenes is an absolute bonus!!! Read more in my review here.

The Heiress (1949): A love story for the ages. A young woman stands to inherit her father's fortune and suddenly meets a man who actually pays attention to her. Head over heals. The father does not approve of a union but her heart is set. He's a good man, right? RIGHT? Beautiful, haunting, and filled with sharp edges and tight turns, this is a perfect film for a spiteful night with friends. Best watched with tea. Be sure to spill it.

Hellhole (1985): An otherwise quiet, normal night is shattered when a young woman find her mother strangled in their home. In terror she run and falls and ends up with amnesia. Uh oh, she ends up in an asylum - filled with sinister doctors and her mother's murderer is still after her! Cheesy, plenty of nudity, and some predictable parts, overall this is a high class trash for your lazy afternoon. 

Hounds of Love (2016): Brutal, brutal stuff. Not light at all. This story tells the story of kidnapping a young woman, her abuse, and a highly, highly, highly toxic and violent relationship between the kidnappers. Now I go through enough true crime books, podcasts, shows, etc., to be nearly 100% sure that I've heard this story before - and that's part of why this film terrified me so much. Because it has. This film is a beautiful, heartbreaking struggle but I think it's worth seeing at least once. Prepare to take a hot shower or curl into a ball afterwards.

Kindred (2020): Oh gawd this film gave me such anxiety!!! Here we have a couple, in love, and temporarily visiting the boyfriend's family estate, when suddenly she learns she's pregnant and he dies. Chaos ensues. This is a suffocating film. Suffocating! This pregnant woman is universally attacked with mental and emotional abuse by her boyfriend's family and then, still worse, they gaslight her the entire time. Brooding country estate, murderous dedication to family, lack of access to the outside world, ominous signs - I'm breaking into a cold sweat already! Read more in my review here.

The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs (2018): I can't believe I haven't talked about this show already. IT'S THE BEST! With several seasons under it's belt, there more than enough films to catch up on if this series is new to you. In all, host, Joe Bob is just your horror movie-loving joe. With his friends on set, this stellar horror host takes viewers on hilarious walks through horror film history, randomly shares fun facts, introduces fantastic guests, and just makes watching all types of horror films So Much Fun! Folks might remember this host (John Bloom) as the host of MonsterVision, back in the day. Well, he's back and better than ever. Hands down, one of my most favorite horror shows.

Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990): Okay, honestly, I don't remember this film all that well but I have a note to myself, after I saw it in January 2021, that I really enjoyed it. It doesn't matter though, this is a film about Leatherface - it's going to be a good time! I recall I didn't appreciate The Texas Chainsaw Massacre II all that well, but apparently this one entertained the hell out of me. Shame I don't recall it all that well ... guess I'm just going to have to watch it again! Undoubtedly a blood bath rolling through a steady stream of chaos, it's going to be a wild ride (and I get to experience it all over again!).

Living Doll (1990): You know, nothing screams quite like a love story, like a morgue love story ... yikes ... this film is so bonkers I can't let it go without telling people about it. This is a little tale about a young man, finishing up his degree and working in the morgue, who suddenly finds his crush on the embalming table. Obviously she can't stay there - so to his home she goes! This film is disgusting but not nearly as bad as I feared it might get. Even this film has some boundaries. This film is hard to explain (or involves a ton of conversations), just check it out!

M3GAN (2023): When I walked into the theater to catch this film, I really wasn't expecting all that much depth in the story. Well, I was pleasantly surprised! Here we have a state-of-the-art robot doll (still in development mode...). The niece of the creator has intensely bonded to this doll and things are looking pretty alright for a while, that is until the doll will do anything to protect her friend and companion. Sharp, heartfelt and a bit of a thriller, this is a good pick for those not into intense horror films. 

Madman (1981): Okay, I know there are a lot of films, particularly, in the early '80s, that revolve around a serial killer stalking teens in the woods. Here's another one! And apparently it is based on the New York legend of Cropsey, which is intriguing. Not a whole lot of new things here but also there's plenty of fresh fun. Absolutely grab those beers and snack food. Settle in for another round of campers meeting a blood bath fate.

Massacre at Central High (1976): Bully bully bullies! They done messed up here! Or did they....? Here we have a young man, bullied through high school - and during one prank, became deformed. He didn't take that well and things take a turn during the 10 year class reunion. This is a little bit of an awkward film, which I find oddly fitting. I also really loved the set! An actual abandoned high school if I remember correctly ... Yes, this is a classic teens being terrible film, yes, you're going to have fun.

Masters of Horror (2005): I stumbled upon this show right around 2006 and was mesmerized. Some of the horror "shorts" really disturbed me and some just felt weird but I never forgot them. This is a startling and striking collection of horror stories like I had never seen before and really haven't seen since. Not until Black Mirror, really - which I can still do only in small doses. Overall, I would recommend approaching this one like Black Mirror's older, horror movie-loving, sibling. 

Men (2022): Oh boy. This is a film loaded with lots of things ... particularly men. Here a woman's husband dies and the wife decides to take some time out, be secluded in a remote British manor house by herself. The men she encounters along the way have some thoughts on this. I couldn't shake the feeling that if you really want to mess up your night with some mind-melty nature horror, make it a double or triple feature night with this film and mother! and/or Midsommer.

The Mortuary Collection (2019): Here we follow a creepy mortician as he's looking to hire some help. A salty, arrogant, privileged girl shows up for an interview but she must first learn a few tricks of the trade by listening to a couple of the mortician's stories... Is it cheesy? Absolutely! Pass the chips I'm going dippin'! Is it gross? Sure is! I had plenty of face-making "Eegads!" Is it creepy? Yep! The atmosphere - the set design is amazing! Is it scary? Eh - if you're a hardened fan no, but it is entertaining. If you like chills and not having nightmares then also probably no, but it is entertaining. Read more in my review here.

Mountaintop Motel Massacre (1983): Looking for a cozy little cabin in the woods? Don't stay here. Nope, the woman who runs the small rentals just got released from an insane asylum.  Let the fun begin! (the cabin prices are cheep though so ... take your chances?). Did I mention that the killing sprees are motivated by Satan? Oh yeah, all good stuff. While it's cheesy and predictable at times it's also really engaging and the characters are really entertaining. Another recommended but often forgotten '80s slasher. 

The Nest (1988): Well, folks, if cockroaches make you squeamish then maybe pass this one up. It get's creepy crawly! Of course a super secrete scientific experiment went wrong and giant killer creatures are on the loose! Of course! Why? Because it happens every time! We never learn. Another alarmingly solid '80s classic creature feature that is sure to entertain (or fully disturb). 

The Night House (2020): A spooky little ghostly story about a widow who begins to discover her husband's secrets after he has died. She's residing in a lake home he built but as she begins to notice more and more strange things, she wanders further and further into the woods, only to discover more .... Moody and atmospheric, this is a chiller that is best watched - alone - in a cabin on the lake, in the woods, when you're just trying to collect yourself. 

Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979): We all know the Dracula story but you haven't seen it quiet like this! Dramatic, intense, terrifying, moody, and with fantastic effects and cinematography, this is one not to miss! That's all that needs to be said. Watch it.

The Premature Burial (1962): As the title suggests, this story is about a ... a premature burial. Or is it?! In all, this is a spooky little Victorian era tale about a man who becomes obsessed with the fear of being buried alive. It's so bad that his wife is threatening to leave him over it. Things are just out of control in the Carrell household, and he just seems to continue to suffer these mental/emotional 'attacks'. This chilling, rather little unknown classic, is a nice pick for suspenseful, spooky background noise or absolutely curl up on the couch and enjoy. 

The Quarry (2020): True, while not a typical 'horror story', I found myself on the edge of my seat throughout the film! Here we have a new preacher arriving in town, folks seem to like him, things are going well, until a dead body is found by the quarry... A quiet thriller that feels dusty, dirty, gritty, and hard, this is a good film for a movie night with pretty much any folks who are fans of movie nights.

Rent-A-Pal (2020): It just now occurred to me how timely this lonely film being released at the height of COVID, really is. Let's dive into a little madness here, shall we? This story revolves around a man, taking care of his aging mother, who is trapped as the only caregiver and with little to no friends. He stumbles upon a VHS tape and the nice, confident man on the tape says "Hey buddy! I'll be your friend. What could go wrong? Troubling and completely unconformable, this film is not for everyone.

Return of the Living Dead III (1993): Rock n' Roll people! We're bringing people back from the dead! Grab the beer and pizza and get ready for some fun in an bio chemical lab where they're experimenting on corpses with stuff they shouldn't probably be experimenting with. Uh oh, some teens accidentally get into the mix and fun is had by all. What's not to love about all of this.

Return to Sleepaway Camp (2008): Oh you know what you're getting into here with these films. You Know! It's another delightful slasher whodunit, what more do you want? You love it. You LOVE IT. Pairs with canteen food and no expectations.

See No Evil (2006):  Staring WWE wrestler, Kane, the movie follows a group of delinquent young adults as they embark on a trial rehabilitation study. Their assignment: clean up the old, abandoned Blackwell Hotel for a reduced jail sentence. My immediate reaction: "YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!" and "This is so insane I love it!" Is this film a little trashy? Yes. Does it matter? No. It's a gory and graphic blood bath that is unashamedly aware of exactly what it is.  Read more in my review here

Serial Mom (1994): Why is this film so evily funny! Hahahaha! Oh John Waters, you never miss. This one is just a sweet little story about a suburban housewife who just so happens to maybe kill people. Kathleen Turner (Mom) is SO FUNNY. She's so good in this film you just want to watch it over and over and over (see what I did there?). Super sharp and brilliantly executed, this is a great film for nearly all types of movie fans. 

Skeeter (1993): I don't know what kind of malfunction happened in my brain for about 5 minutes, but when I first looked at this movie cover, I was all like "What the hell is a skeeter?" A mosquito. Jesus Christ. Wow. In any case, as you might already suggest this movie is about killer mosquitoes!! Naturally we know what happened here, it was unchecked science and greed that helped create these mutated monsters. The folks here don't know what's coming their way from the toxic ponds just outside of town....

Slice (2018): The movie opens with a narrator quipping about their sweet little town being overrun by ghosts, and then things got really weird when the werewolf showed back up. I was all: SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Ghosts AND Werewolves. Sign me the f*ck up! The story unfolds around a pizza parlor where the delivery crew are suddenly being brutally murdered on delivery doorsteps. Things just get morbidly delightful from there. Hop into the blood bath folks, we're going in for a fun soak! Read more in my review here.

Summer of 84 (2018): Oh yeah! Delightfully, here we have a ragtag team of teenage friends - going out into the world and solving crimes and mysteries. I love this sh*t so much! There is a serial killer on the loose and these friends have a pretty good idea who it is ... they just need proof. This is an overall very entertaining film and strikingly well done without being over cheesy or nostalgic. A perfect pick for most horror fans.

Taste of Fear (1961): This still chiller here is a delightful late night treat. The story opens with wheelchair-bound estranged daughter coming home to the family estate after the devastating loss of her best friend. Her father is away on business but the step mother, whom she has never met, greets her, coolly. Something sinister is brooding beneath the surface of this this Hammer film (as Hammer films are prone to do!). Where is her father and will the daughter ever find out what really is going on...? [chef's kiss] Fantastic little gem.

Tower of Terror (1997): What a really surprising, cute, little feature!  As I understand it, this one is the first of the Disney rides to give ol' Hollywood a try. While I was expecting all cheese and, frankly, not a great show, I was shocked to find how much I enjoyed the movie. It's just charming! Here we have a ghost story about an uncle and niece who need to solve a mystery in order to help the spirits currently trapped in the hotel tower. This one is just fun, folks. Enjoy it with the whole family!

Tremors 4: The Legend Begins (2004): I'm a sucker for all the Tremors films. I love all of them (some more than others but that really doesn't matter). But here we have an origins story! I love a good origins story! It's wild westy here in the town of Rejection (lololololo) and a freak occurrence in the silver mind awakens a nest of graboids... and the legend begins. Absolutely watch with friends, with drinks, and delicious trash food. 

Watcher (2022): There's always a serious risk taken when a married couple moves to one of their native countries. Particularly when children are involved - and while there are no children with this couple, there is a very scary man watching the wife from across the Romanian street, in this real shocker of a film.  While the husband is at work and she's home, struggling to adapt to her new surroundings and language, she tries to convince people that she's being stalked and afraid for her life. Oh dear. Folks, this one made my skin crawl and my heart skip several beats. The loneliness and fear is palpable here.

Werewolves Within (2021): Here we have the classic tale of a new guy arriving to a remote, quirky small town but something more sinister bubbles beneath the quaint village and he ends up accidentally in the middle of it all. This is absolutely a creature feature whodunnit that kicks off right away with a brutal werewolf attack! I'm always a fan when they jump right in there with the murders... With a great cast of characters, puns-a-plenty, and that quintessential small town finger pointing, you'll be sure to find something to like here. Read more in my review here.

When I Consume You (2021): If you're looking for something to horrify you AND make you cry your eyes out - here you go. Oh god I couldn't keep it together for many parts of this film. As someone who is very close and protective of my siblings, this one sent me. Adult brother and sister are still trying to navigate life after a childhood of severe abuse. They survive, yes, but a creature - a terrifying monster - stalks them still. Older sister is on the case and has been trying to keep this creature from her brother. You can't protect them all the time though ....

Wolf Like Me (2022): I LOVE THIS TELEVISION SHOW SO DAMN MUCH! Anyone who knows me knows I do not like romance films - aside from the rare few that I will defend passionately until the end. I have an odd dichotomy though when romance shows up in horror films. My heart will often ache so happily for the (usually) blood covered budding romance. This show floored me as well. FLOORED ME. Folks, I signed up for Peacock premium just to finish the show (which was devoured in hours). Here we have a story about a widow and widower who have a violent meet-cute and as they begin to unveil themselves over day drinking things get...very complicated. Read more in my review here.

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