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Monday, November 27, 2023

Skinamarink (2022)

This movie has been living rent free in my head for a while, and there it will probably stay for years. Shuttered, elusive, suffocating, and a royal mind f*ck - this film is not for everyone. 

Let's check out:

Let me start off by saying this is not a movie you *watch*, it's a movie you experience. This is very important. 

Best as I can tell, a young sister and brother are left alone (seemingly) in a house that slowly begins to trap them in an endless, windowless, light-less, and parent-less home. They take care of each other and their loneliness by watching cartoons and playing with toys in the living room - all while a *creature* lurks in the darkness, trying to separate and further isolate the naive and abandoned siblings. 

This was a rough film. It conjures scary memories of childhood - which, even in the best settings - can be a frightening place.

There are debates online about what this film is really about. Is it about child abuse? Abandonment? Parental neglect through drug and alcohol abuse? There's also talk about perhaps this entire story is regarding head trauma, lost time, comas, or a dream/nightmare. The writer and director is mum on the topic, and rightfully so. Again this film is about experience and that experience is specific to the viewer.  

Personally, I wanted to cry while being terrified and desperately searching for things in the darkness. 

There's not enough money in the world to be a child again. Hell no. This incredibly unique film honestly taps into the fear and vulnerability of children. A very delicate topic that was expertly executed with care and heart.  

This is 100%, absolutely, not a film for everyone. Are you an art house cinephile? Come on in - the water is fine! There is a lot to talk about with this one. 

And that's about it. I felt like I was in a late night edgy art show in a really sketchy part of town, and I could only experience what the paintings and sculptures were trying to convey by seeing the art work through the entire experience of the venue and other people. 

Pairs with food you would make as an 8 year old. Best watched alone or with just a few people who you can periodically converse with when a epiphany hits. 

Good luck.

I watched this film on Shudder or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this truly unsettling feature. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

The Day of the Locust (1975)

Somewhere in the back of my brain, I knew this movie was originally a book. I'm not so sure I have the courage to read it though after this viewing experience. Let's check out the classic story:

Oh god. 

I really had no idea what I was getting into with this one. But based on what little information I did take a peek at, I was pretty confident that I was going to get sucked down some sort of David Lynchian madness, mixed with a healthy dose of emotional chaos, and a hearty meal of existential dread. 

Guess what?

I Was Right!

I'm never fully prepared for these experiences, however. This one is no exception. 

Opening with an eerily familiar Mulholland Drive vibe, where folks are arriving to LA to find their fame, we are greeted with a cast of characters that only rivals the cast of characters I have an uncanny knack to find when I leave my house. This is all to say: very interesting, curiously comedic, and often tragic. 

It's 1930's Hollywood and the hustle for the lime light is real. "Spoiler alert" but to no one's surprise - things don't go well for our little cast of characters...

This entire film is chaos, heartbreak, the celebration and horror of our collective delusions about life/ourselves/our dreams, and rubbernecking consumption of our failures. A real charmer, this film.

I was quite impressed with the tiny little nods to prior LA tragedies, legends, etc. For example, when some of the folks take a tour by the Hollywood sign, the tour guide talks about a woman who jumped to her death from the sign. I knew immediately they were talking about the tragic case of Peg. Entwistle

And when they went to a church sermon - as soon as the woman started shouting and preaching from the stage, asking for money - they were in the company of the controversial (and in my opinion, cult leader) Sister Aimee.

Countless other Easter eggs too, no doubt, but I didn't catch all of them. There is A Lot going on in this stylish, memorizing, and fantastically well made film. 

While this film is bleak, odd, morbidly funny, and just downright shocking in many ways, what really gave me chills was realizing what happened to the author of this story. Nathanael West, while not well known at the time, produced profound works observing our absurd life landscapes. Particularly the shadows of tinsel town. Arguably, a poet for piercing social commentary.

So yeah, while the entire film (which doesn't *exactly* have a plot) gave me chills, it's knowing that this author - who was friends with F. Scott Fitzgerald (there's an irony there I can't quite place) - when he got word of Fitzgerald's sudden death, him and his wife raced in their car back to LA from Mexico for his funeral. 

And it's on that trip where both passed away in a car accident. One day after Fitzgerald's death. This news gave me quite a shiver down the spine. 

Okay, to wrap up, if the chaos and horror of the ending of the film mother! gave you all the nightmares then tread carefully with the ending of this film. It's.... something else. It took me all the way to the end of this movie to realize what this film was actually about, though....

So there you have it, folks. Best watched with your most unstable friend. Pairs with alcohol, ice cream, a really fancy charcuterie board.  (preferably with flies buzzing around).

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this film that will absolutely haunt my head for the rest of my days.

Monday, November 6, 2023

The Unknown (1927)

Back in the days when streaming services weren't really a thing and I was getting Netflix in the mail, I used to go the library and rent a ton of films. For a couple of years I was primarily checking out silent films. 

I love silent films. I'm on death's doorstep laughing at some of these silent films (this does not even include Charlie Chaplin or Buster Keaton works!). One of my favorites is a story about suburb life - in the 1910's!!!! I was on THE FLOOR. DECEASED WITH LAUGHTER. 

Good stuff. 

You know what else is good stuff? Silent Horror Films. Let's check out:

Okay, so this title is not great. In fact, I still don't know what this title is trying to do, but it stars Lon Chaney, Joan Crawford, and is directed by Tod Browning so you know it's going to be f*cking STELLAR.

Here we have the story about some theatrical/circus/side show performers. And one of them is fixated on a woman in the troupe. You all know this won't go well...

The creep performer in question is of course Lon Chaney, and he performs as an arm-less man and I can GUARANTEE YOU, you are not prepared for what he can do with his feet sans hands. No one is ready for this.


I wouldn't be surprised if there were folks on set that weren't okay for several days after working with him. 

Joan Crawford isn't fazed in the slighted, of course. 

This seems to be a film that hides in the corners of silent cinema history. Or maybe I'm surprisingly new, considering my years of silent film study. It's phenomenal. Personally, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and gasped several times. I don't know what it is about spectacular silent films but they take *my breath away*. 

In all, this is a story about a man who becomes fixated on a woman and that woman is not fixated in the same way in return. Oh, did I mention he's a serial killer and the police are after him because he has three thumbs and finger prints were becoming a big thing. 

Wildly ahead of it's time and performed with a precision I can only imagine - this film is excellent. 

If silent films are new to you then I highly recommend taking a deep dive. In fact, as I'm typing this, I just let the silent films continue and I currently have "It" - the original 1927 film - playing in the background.  Fantastic.

Best watched with Wine. Lots of it. 

I watched this film on Tubi or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this treasure of a feature. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween! Here's 18 Short Horror Films You Need To See! (2023 edition)

October Challenge Day 31:

Happy Halloween everyone!! Here is 18 brilliant short horror films to spook up your day.

Why 18 you ask? Because this is the 8th month of the old Roman calendar and the 10th month of the current calendar. BRAINS!

So without further ado, below is my pick of some of the best out there. With a review of 18 words or less, and in no particular order, please enjoy Horror Habit's 2023 Short Horror Film Festival.

Anaconda: Sex - lots of sex! Power, and the internet. This one is brilliant.

Meet Jimmy: UHHHHHHGGGGG! I Listen To So Much TRUE CRIME PODCASTS! [crying and screaming].

Abracitos: Profound, totally unsettling - with jump scare galore. This one sticks and makes your brain itch.

Sweetie: Someone learns the hard way that when those trick or treaters come, don't be stingy with that candy!

The Dead Collectors: Hands down! One of the best zombie comedy shorts I've come across in a long time!

Box Fort: I LOVE box forts! And this one is epic ... in many ways ... Love This!

Mental Image: This guy is not sleeping tight at all ...

Antikk: Be careful out there, when antique hunting. Excellently terrifying.

Neighborhood Watch: Oh the unraveling mind ...

Desecration: Just some soldiers out in the woods, what could go wrong when they find a kid out there?

Hushy Bye: Being new parents can be rough!

Emma: A very neat take on a haunted house story. Clever effects.

Elevator: A meetcute bloodbath, perhaps?

Parched: Oh this one unnerved me in ways I cannot explain... 

Phone: 347: So I'm not exactly sure what I just saw but I liked it!

Mommy: Careful kids! Mommy told you not to leave the room when she's on a date!

Death Metal: Hilarious! Whip smart! Just a metal head who inherits a possessed guitar. It's a blood bath.

Blood and Guts: Strap in for a wild ride down bad science road! 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Buried Alive (1990)

October Challenge Day 30

I'm sending off this year's October Challenge with a real winner! GIVE ME ALL THE MADE-FOR-TV THRILLERS! Let's check out:

This title doesn't leave much to the imagination but let me tell you - the ending is EVERYTHING.

Here we have the classic tale of a wife who is done being married and looking for more money. Her and her lover concoct a plan that is sure to be a fail safe for the future they want to embark on. 


Are you sure, madam? Are You SURE?

Oh my gawd I love this stuff so much!

Well, as you can imagine, the "death" of her husband doesn't go quite as planned and the latter half of this film is a level of revenge that I simply wasn't prepared for. Oh, and don't forget the nightmare of being: BURIED ALIVE.

Cremate me, folks. Or just drop my corpse off at a body farm so I can at least continue contributing to science, but do not bury me!

This story is unhinged in all the ways and every bit of an absolute stellar made-for-TV film. There's something about made-for-TV films that just hits me straight in the heart. Cripples me. I can't look away. This one though stands heads and shoulders above a lot of films I've seen. 

Yes, it has a very Tales From The Crypt feel, and that's perfect. I didn't mind at all. The '90s vibes here are strong and nostalgic, and Jennifer Jason Leigh is phenomenal as usual. I don't have one complaint about this film. Not one [chef's kiss].

I'm just going to have find a copy of this and add it to my video collection. I'd love to watch it again and again. 

I don't know what else to add - just check it out. Best watched in a farm house, be sure there is a dog barking in the background somewhere. Paris with champagne, a fancy meal, and dirt - everywhere.

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's sidebar to see where else you can find this absolute GEM of a movie. I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween!

The Nanny (1965)

October Challenge Day 29

You know I'll NEVER turn down a Bette Davis film. Particularly scary Bette Davis! Let's take a look at:

Here we have the tale of a loving nanny, waiting for the return of her charge - a 10 year old boy - who's returning from a mental institution because ... well ... something terrible happened when he was 8 years old....

 The mother is having a breakdown about her son's return. The father isn't having anything to do with anyone's feelings and just yeets out of town. There's the nanny though, she's tried and true and holds everything together, much to the rage of this young man who is just an absolute nightmare of a child. 

Folks. I had to rewind this film so many times because I wasn't paying attention 100% of the time. Don't do this. Sit down, distraction free, and watch this walking, talking, anxiety attack in one shot.

Was I crying by the end? Maybe. You don't know me! 

This is simply a stellar film. Full of raw terror, heartbreak, immense tension, and maddening behavior. I enjoyed this film immensely! I also remembered when I used to babysit and NEVER AGAIN. Never. Again. I babysat some real nightmares of children - always little boys who took great pleasure in tormenting me, locking me out of the house, etc. [sips wine, in my peaceful world, embracing my inner Bette Davis badassery] Never again. 

In any case, this is an excellent film! Don't pass it up. 

Best watched in an aggressively clean room. Pairs with cake, coffee, and cigarettes. Be sure to sit very close and awkwardly in front of the TV.

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links to see where else you can find this not-at-all-childish chiller.

Rabbit (2017)

October Challenge Day 28

I had to sit with this one for a while. It's ... different. Let's take a look at:

This is a story about a woman who feels her missing twin sister is in danger, needs her, and she knows where to find her.

This is kind of neat - a spooky tale about twins being spooky! And it is neat, and weird, and odd, and wait a minute ... what is going on here? 

This film's atmosphere is mesmerizing! Particularly as we join the wanderings of this young woman's journey through eastern South Australia. And wanderings we go, I got left behind a few times and had to catch up, but overall, it's a neat mind trip into this woman's insistence that she'll find her missing sister. 

Things go off the rails though when she stumbles upon a caravan in the woods.... and she might have just found what she was looking for ....

This film lost me from time-to-time, and my head was tilted quite a ways as the film was coming to its conclusion. This is definitely a film that will take you down [ahem] down rabbit holes. I don't see this film being a good fit for all horror/thriller fans. It's pacing is raw and unnerving, which works great sometimes and sometimes you're just not feeling it. 

Overall, it's not a bad film at all but it has a particular flavor that will please certain palates. Best watched near a camp fire. Pairs with scant resources and flasks with a rabbit's foot hanging from key chains. 

I watched this film on the Roku Channel, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you might find this burrow of science and madness.

Fright House (1989)

October Challenge Day 27

Okay, so it's Friday night and you're all settled in for the evening. What do you watch? Trash sometimes. Sometimes it's trash. Let's take a look at:

Fright House

So the description of this film hinted at some sort of anthology but I didn't see anything that resembled that. In fact, I still have No Idea what I watched?!

At the beginning there was something about a monster killing people, making it look like a suicide? Then there is a bare-chested witch posing as a therapist? There's a cop being mean to his fiance? There is a fraternity that inherited an abandoned house?? There is apparently the devil lurking around campus but I couldn't tell if the house was on campus or was the house the same one that was half demolished - what's going on here!?!

And then I see this film has both Duane Jones and Al Lewis in it. Not Ben from Night of the Living Dead, and Grandpa from The Munsters! What is going on here?!

This film is ... not good. 

I could not keep track of what was going on so I started shopping online.

Did it give me the comfort background noise to make for a perfect snuggle night in on a cold October night? Most certainly. 

My favorite review of this film comes from Tony the Halloween Terror, on Letterbox, who said: "I didn't understand at least half of the eyebrows in this movie". Same, Tony, same.

I watched this film on Tubi, because of course I did, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this .... feature...

Friday, October 27, 2023

Pet Sematary: Bloodlines (2023)

October Challenge Day 26

My siblings and I, we're a Pet Sematary household. We grew up with - and would routinely watch - the original. This was made more horrifying because Gage looked just like our youngest brother. So it was a lot of fun when one of my brothers came over to my place to watch this film while we were on a text thread with the other brothers.  

Let's take a look at:

Now this is a fun premise! It's the origin story of Jud Crandall (Jud from the 2019 Pet Sematary, not the original Jud (1989) - and how the cursed, stony ground began (in a sense)... It starts with the burial of Timmy Baterman by none other than David Duchovny himself!


Okay, okay, so I was really having a good time with this one. Especially when Pam Grier showed up. I could laugh, honestly entertained, at the silliness, the quirks, the head-tilts. But folks, things just kept taking more and more wrong turns that by the end - my brother and I Could Not Keep It Together! 


We could not stop talking through the film, questioning our sanity regarding what we were seeing and hearing. Also, WHY did Jud continuously park in the middle of that damn, dangerous road!? Why? It made my brain itch.

I started convincing myself that maybe this film was created like it was specifically to develop some sort of cult following. We were at our wits end with the total lack of logic by the conclusion of the film.

Was it still entertaining? Yes it was. 
Did it make sense? No. 
Why was the casting this way? Not sure.
How did Jude's girlfriend end up tied up in a hole in the ground? Not a clue.
How did everyone know to meet in the exact same spot of the swamp? ..... 
What Is It With These Tunnels????

Uh, the struggle was real with this one - but if you just sit back and let the Calgon, take me away adventure unfold then you'll have a good time.   

We were pretty flabbergasted by the entire experience, though. 

Give this one a shot. At least once. It was: an experience. 

Best watched in a group. I personally made two pizzas for the movie watching event - that worked out well. Beer and blankets a must. Turn off all the nights and great ready for a lot of WTFs (but they're entertaining WTFs).

I watched this film on Paramount+ or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this wacky film. 

Gummo (1997)

October Challenge Day 25

Why do I do this to myself? Why do I watch these "dramas" - these unnameable horrors about life? Uhhhhhhgggg. Let's check out:

Okay, okay - well, this film revolves around a small, impoverished, town that never really recovered after a deadly tornado passed through years ago. 

It just gets more depressing and harrowing from there. 

Here we have the tale of a handful of residents - mostly kids - just trying to make it in life, in a world where the future looks even worse than the past. How do they deal with this bleak future? By making it worse with their destruction, ignorance, and lack of support or direction. Worse still, they accept giving up. There is a *thriving* there....

Folks, there is so much cat killing in this film I almost could't make it. It was the eating spaghetti in a nasty ass tub full of triply nasty ass water that really takes you over the edge by the end, though. This film is so rough you barely notice someone casually getting murdered?? Did I see that right?

In all, through this soul crushing story, there is beauty here. The harsh beauty only some will find as beautiful. It actually reminded me a lot of my rural South Dakota upbringing. The towns there shared an alarming amount of similarities to this one. Even the parties looked the same as some of the one's I attended in high school. Still can't believe some of the floors I used to sleep on ....

This film smells and feels like vomit, mixed with a synthetic berry scent that's radiating from either the refrigerator or bathroom. But it's okay because the dialog is pure poetry to all the senses. 

Enter at your own risk with this nightmarish hellscape.

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's sidebar to see where else you can find this walking, talking nightmare. 

Glorious (2022)

October Challenge Day 24

Oh goodness - yeah, this one begs the question: when the universe talks to you, do you *really* want to listen. Let's take a look at:

Here we have the story of lonely o'l Wes. He's struggling at the loss at his last relationship and appears to be on the run from himself and his memories. So what does he do? He high tails to a remote rest stop and proceeds to lose it. 

Drinking, burning memories, loosing his pants and passing out in the woods. We've all been there once or twice. I get it. 

But it's when he enters to derelict bathroom that things take a turn, and someone or some thing is hiding in one of the stalls - testing his sanity.

This is a blood bath and cringe binge party. And it's also a little all over the place but the brilliantly timed morbid humor really ties it all together.

Oh, did I mention there is a glory hole in this stall?

In all, is this pretty concrete horror story about a monster, an unraveling mind, and your past coming back to collect your toll...

Disgusting, creepy, with a science fiction flare, this is a good one to check out at least once. You may have some questions by the end ... you may not ....

Best watched in a nasty home, with flies buzzing in the kitchen and a dripping sink. Where colorful pajamas. Pairs with bourbon and regret.

I watched this film on Shudder or use the Find It! or Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this heady feature. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Pack (1977)

October Challenge Day 23

This film starts off with a family tying up their pet dog, assuring the little boy that their dog will be fine while they go vacation. 


Let's check out:

I really couldn't understand what was happening there - until the pack of wild dogs came along and ravaged everything in their path. Oh. There it is. 

Those dogs are mad!

This film was disjointed, quirky, and yet, the dogs were actually pretty scary. Full Cujo vibes going on here. Only, instead of one dog, there are about 15 of them and, no joke, I seriously was concerned for the welfare of these dogs in real life. 

So, if you're a dog person, approach this one with caution. It's rather jarring. 

We also have a bonus weird situation where people are trying to set their son up with a date. Random fishing. I never could quite figure out if these vacationers are in a small town or their own personal island retreat....

I also don't have a good answer about the couple who are building a house in the middle of the woods and why they now have another dog while the first dog is still tied to a tree branch somewhere.... I just, kind of gave up with putting a lot of these pieces together and simply sat back and enjoyed the chaos (in fear of these dogs).

Admittedly I wasn't *always* paying attention. 

Back to the film! 

So these dogs are no joke here - they are pretty scary. Hats off to the practical effects too. Very surprising. Oscar awards go to the dogs, for sure. Overall, I believe the message here is: Don't Abandon Your Pets!

Best watched in a weird Air BnB with a few of your unusual friends. Pairs with steaks, canned soup, and beer in a bottle. 

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links to see where else you can find this Nature Strikes Back feature.

Melancholia (2011)

October Challenge Day 22

[Drags hands down the face] Uuuuggggghhhh! Why do I watch Lars von Trier films???? [cries]

Let's take a look at: 

Okay. Deep breath. Let's talk about this film. 

On the surface, here we have the story about a woman getting married as a giant new planet is plunging through space, directly towards Earth. People are just going about their lives, mostly confident that the planet will miss Earth, but this new bride here is not so sure ....

Deep down though, this can arguably be a deeper, darker, look into depression, anxiety, avoidance behavior, selfishness, emotional abuse, and overall - a nice collection of lies and fears we tell ourselves.

Fun times!

The wedding scene, which is a significant part of the movie, gave me non stop severe anxiety (which I think is the point, and some of the things von Trier does best). I just wanted to make it stop - just bring the planet now.

What really struck me, personally, was how much I recognized myself in this new bride when she just accepted the world is going to end. More rather, my reactions when COVID-19 lock downs began. I was calm as hell! Wasn't even phased, just "Yup. Sounds about right" and I picked up cross-stitching as a peaceful new hobby. 

What I'm trying to say, I think, is that this is a very curious study into how people react when their world falls down around them. Sometimes it's welcomed ... in a strange and freeing way.

I don't know what else to say about this film. It's going to effect people in all sorts of different way, and I am going to caution watching this if you suffer from severe depression. This is a beautiful film and everyone and everything is mesmerizing, but ... watch at your own emotional peril. 

Best watched while hiding in a kitchen cupboard (or other favorite hiding-from-the-world spot). Pairs with your comfort food.  

I watched this film on Peacock or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this heartbreaking feature. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Berserker (1987)

October Challenge Day 21

Do I really need to review this film? Really? You can just look at the title and the poster and *KNOW* what's happening here. 

Let's take a look at:


Here we have the story of a car full of young folks going out into the woods and - just like that - danger arrives. This time, as a Nordic berserker in bear form. 

Folks, I could not hold it together when the song "Cool Dude" - and two dudes were spraying beer on each other, shirtless - made it's debut appearance. I could not. Hold. It. Together.

So I'm of Nordic descent, on both sides of my family. The geneology results were absolutely unsurprising at 98% Scandinavian. What makes me laugh though, is that I have routinely referred to going into berserker mode when threatened. It's true. I have witlessness. I've scared my friends (in a good way). 

This though ... is .... it's own delightful and charming chaos. 

Folks, this is exactly what you think it will be and that's just fine. I love this stuff - I mean I love all types of horror - but obviously the trash horror is going to be my comfort food. 

Things turn out bad for most of these kids, as expected. But what's not expected is who makes it out of the clutches of this berserker spirit. Sit back, grab a drink and your favorite food and just let the brain melt away for a little while. 

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this slightly unusual creature feature. 

Under the Silver Lake (2018)

October Challenge Day 20

I had to sit and think about this film for several days. Several days - and still it lingers. I have A LOT of thoughts on this film and I'm going to summarize. 

Let's take a look at:

Here we have a young man, who, after watching a young woman at the apartment complex pool, discovers she has disappeared the next day and his obsession in understanding what happened to her, sends him down a rabbit hole. 

Conspiracy theory, cults, and more GALORE: commence!

This film, while being a mind meltdown, is also visually stunning! There is So Much going on in the background. Also, this young man here - who embodies every dude I would hit on in a bar, pinball arcade, small indie band venue - the Converse shoes and ratty shirts get me every time - is phenomenal (mesmerizing?) in this film. 

And *that* took me down my own rabbit hole. 

He's also an idiot. Here is where it was my turn to spiral out of a control. 

I couldn't shake the feeling that he was a representation of useless men. Hear me out. The men who, when their partners say "Please help me get ready for this party we're hosting in the yard" they instead reorganize the garage or the basement. They do absolutely pointless stuff and are, overall all, totally unhelpful and actually a hindrance in their partner's life. And they feed off of that....

Which is why, when I saw this guy and was all "Oh look, he's my type" - it made me question EVERYTHING for a long time. 

So he's honestly looking for this missing woman but he's also ignoring everything else in his life, and he gets more and more chaotic and out-of-control, moving from woman to woman for stability, as the film progresses. Which was giving me non stop anxiety.

Fascinating film. Easy argued that it's not "horror" per se but it's certainly a crime thriller with a lot of layers in-between. That *thing* in the woods still upsets me.
This film reminded me of a bonkers conspiracy theory that I totally made up in my head years ago, about Sigmund Freud being Jack the Ripper and my goodness, how this entertains me and others when I dish it out. Like my own self-made conspiracy theory, this film is feral, unreal, wildly visceral, and oddly makes sense sometimes.

Watch this film alone. Preferably in a closet or kitchen cupboard. Beware of cults. Pairs with cigarettes, edibles, and cheep beer. Be prepared to not have all the answers at the end.

I watched this film on HBO or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can watch this profound feature. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Anything for Jackson (2020)

October Challenge Day 19

I forget now what I was looking for when I stumbled upon this stellar feature, but I'm so glad I stopped to check it out!


Here we have the sweet, heartbreaking story of a pair of grandparents grieving over the loss of their very young grandson. Terribly sad. 

Until it turns out they are Satanists looking to kidnap a pregnant woman and sacrifice her body so that they can transfer the spirit of their grandson into her child. 

That escalated quickly!

This film is quite clever. Whip-smart and gory. A delightfully fun and striking blood bath. Oh, did I mention there are creatures they accidentally conjure? Fun Times!!

You really can't go wrong when turning religion into a horror story. Same with pregnancy horror shows. These things easily go hand-in-hand. And when you put religion, pregnancy, and horror all in one!? You get the repeal of Roe v. Wade in the United States, and just, generally, the American healthcare system. Fun Times!! ...

This is a simple but beautifully made horror show. Outrageously entertaining and PERFECT for a Halloween movie binge.

I'm going to argue this is best watched alone on a spooky night. Pairs with tea, soup, and love in your heart.

I watched this film on Shudder, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you find this refreshing feature.  

Friday, October 20, 2023

To the Moon (2021)

October Challenge Day 18

Oh goodness, this one hit me a little funny. Let's just git right to it. Let's check out:

There's a lot going on with this little independent feature. Oh goodness.

Okay, so here we have the story of a husband and wife who retreat from the city into their family's cabin in the woods. We soon discover they are embarking on this adventure so that the husband can withdraw from his addiction, when all of a sudden his estranged and spiritual brother shows up out of nowhere and things get weird. 

So this is a solid story, a really neat premise. I was surprised at the immense and angry sigh that came out of my mouth though - for personal reasons. When my husband was first hospitalized for his addiction (that got him in the end), his immediate response to my trauma was "Let's go camping, and work this out".

You very nearly died and you want to go camping?! WTF. Get your ass to rehab.

Anyway, my counselor will probably have some thoughts on my reaction to this film ...

Back to the film.

Yes, the brother is different - seeking a spiritual experience, while his LA actor brother is still hesitant about his company. There's a long history with these two that didn't seem to make much of an appearance, but it's clear there is tension. 

The wife is just holding her own and her brother-in-law is showing her a little more attention than is comfortable for everyone. Bonus, there may be a cult lurking out in them woods. 

While this film is a little bit all over the place, and I spent a significant amount of time screaming internally because several scenarios and reactions in this film felt TOO CLOSE to my memory - so this review is a little skewed, overall it's a descent film. 

The acting is alright but something felt a little off. The brother-in-law was quite excellent, though! Rightfully giving the eeks. The writing and setting was also pretty descent but I couldn't quite figure out if the film was trying to be a '60/'70s vibe film or reflecting that it was inspired by said films. 

Again, in all, not a bad film at all, and yet something felt off quite a few times. Was it me though? Was I off? (quite possibly). Just check it out, all the same!

Pairs with herbal tea and body cleansing meals. Best watched in a cabin in the woods. 

I watched this on my Philo account or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this curious independent feature. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Cold Night of Day (1990)

October Challenge Day 17

Folks, when I say I walk in blind to nearly all my movie reviews, I'm not joking. I picked up this film, thinking it was going to be a rather cheesy 1980's made-for-TV thriller... 



Let's take a look at: 

Cold Night of Day

No, within the first few minutes of this film I was all "Wait just a damn minute.... is this film about Dennis Nilsen?????"

I came to that conclusion just after seeing a man sitting in a derelict apartment, with the police pounding on the door. Guess what? I was right! I'm not sure what that says about my true crime addiction ... 

Commonly refereed to as the European Jeffery Dahmer, this man - as with all serial killers - scares the hell out of me. Rightly so.

This is a gritty and cold - fictional - look into this killer's life and his view of life (little that he had). The similarities between him and Dahmer are uncanny so you'll see similar self destruction and wildly unhinged attempts to connect to other people, and you'll also see his desperate attempts to discard his victims - which is usually in the heartbroken form of keeping them in his floor and apartment plumping. 

Written and directed by the incredibly young Fhiona-Louise, and on a tight budget, this is definitely a film you don't want to miss if you're into obscure films. 

 You'll find a more polished and accurate account of this monster's story in the mini series Des, but there is something about the rawness of this film that feels also completely accurate.

Don't need to see this one again but I was impressed with this viewing. 

I don't have a whole lot of suggested company, food, and beverage pairings for this one. Might just need a long hot shower afterwards. 

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this soul crusher of a film. 

Sea Fever (2019)

October Challenge Day 16

Water is so damn scary!!!!!

Deep seas and oceans, the feel of a creature gliding across your leg while swimming in lakes and rivers. Just the damage that water can do outside of water contained places! The epic amount of haunted water places....

That said, I'm a water baby, and actually enjoy it in the right capacity - but STILL

Let's take a look at:

Typically, mysteries out in space don't bother me *that* much. I mean, sure, okay, aliens are confirmed by the government, okay okay. Coooooool. Unimpressed. 


The amount of creatures I can just imagine in there will keep me up at night.

Here we have the story of a trawler, out for a routine fishing expedition and carrying (scandalously) a red-headed scientist just doing routine monitoring of the waters. Apparently red-heads are not suppose to be on boats or something. 

Guess I'm f*cked. 

In any case, this very Alien meets The Thing feeling movie was at times a struggle for me. Which is weird because I absolutely love Alien and The Thing. It moves along nicely, it's tense and gross, but I guess - I was just not in the right head space for it. Admittedly I wasn't feeling well when I watched it. 

Ignore all that though - I wasn't feeling well and there is a creature in the water here that has latched onto the trawler and everyone, now stranded out in the water, is in Big Trouble. 

So The Bay infiltrated my mind and spirit so much about contaminated water that I don't think I've ever fully recovered. This could be part of my problem here - this specific style of a horror story is just too much for me. I'm wildly uncomfortable and can't even relax enough to enjoy the story/have fun with the horror. 

In fact, I kept thinking of the two times I thought I was going to die while traveling in a boat - to and from Victoria, Canada - JUST to keep my focus on this film. I needed the real life horrors of massive waves knocking me around, to be all "Alright. What's going on here? Oh the water is contaminated now. Oh dear."

This is a solid creature feature film. Bonus: the nightmare of open waters. 

Best watched  alone or in a small, focused group. Pairs with heavily filtered water and canned soup. Buckled up - things are going to get ugly.

I watched this film on Shudder or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this chilling feature. 

Nightmare at the End of the Hall (2008)

October Challenge Day 15

Oh, bring me all the Lifetime made-for-TV movies! They are just the best for lazy Sunday afternoons! Let's take a look at: 

Be still my adorable little heart. 

Here we have the story of a woman who returns to her high school boarding school, now as a teacher, and encounters what she believes is the vengeful spirit of her high school best friend who committed suicide there, years earlier. 

Is there a ghost? Is she out for revenge? Was there a betrayal? Did her friend commit suicide? You just get all snug in those blankets, grab a warm drink, and Find Out!!

This is pretty much all you need to know about this little charmer. It brought back so many memories of when my friend and I would gather at my place on Friday nights to catch the latest episode of Ghost Whisperer

Oh how I miss those days! Her and I would be crying our eyes out at the end of every episode - clutching our glasses of wine, cross-legged on the couch, and being a beautiful mess together!

God, I miss those days.

This film is pretty much that. It's fun, it's light, it's great for folks who are not entirely into horror but want a little spooky story. So grab your bestie, grab your drinks and Girl Dinners, get all cozy, and prepare to bond like you're in a girl's bathroom at a club/bar late at night and you just overheard someone was crying in the the stall next to you.

I watched this film on my Philo or use the Find It! Watch It! links to see where else you can find this absolute charmer of a Lifetime film. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020)

October Challenge Day 14

Well this film f*cked me up.

I remember adding this book to my To Read list on Goodreads, when it first came out, and I felt a chill run through me even then. 

I still haven't read the book but I decided to dive into the movie version. Oh goodness. Let's take a look at:

This is a profoundly difficult and emotional film. While I was trying to figure out if this was a "horror" story, even when the book came out, I quickly discovered this is a nightmare, a heartbreaking nightmare of a story.

Heads up, when you type this title in a search engine, you are immediately directed to a crisis clinic. 

So I immediately fell in love with this film with the opening credits. The Yellow Wallpaper vibes was so felt and I was all: Oh yes, I'm going to understand this film. 

And I did - but not in the way I was expecting. 

This is the story about a woman who is contemplating ending a roughly 7 week relationship with her boyfriend. 

Harmless enough, right? We've all had those thoughts and the thoughts she shares are alarmingly close to everything I've experienced (and thought). I felt attacked. Her thoughts are loud.

Not everything is as it seems, though, and the story unveils nightmares of the soul for both her and her boyfriend. 

I wasn't sure what to expect from this film but I was scared, crying, and heartbroken by the end. Know that. 

100% not a film for everyone. This is a surreal film that dives into the heart of people, particularly lonely people, and not everyone wants to look there. I get it. This is a film for when you are ready to hear hard truths and, as the film stated "...if you look close enough, everything is the same."

Pairs with wine, cake, a roast, and difficult conversations with yourself. Have icecream on reserve. Best watched alone. 

I watched this film on Netflix or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this soul crusher (release?).

Friday, October 13, 2023

Invaders from Mars (1986)

October Challenge Day 13

Happy Friday the 13th, everyone! I have to make this one quick because I'm running to a show - a friend got us tickets to see Tim Cappello (the Sax Man of The Lost Boys fame) and I'm really excited about it!

In that same The Lost Boys light, I thought I would find something that felt a little '80s nostalgic, and I found this! Surprised I'd never actually seen it before so let's check out:

Yes, of course this is intended to be a bit campy - yes it's supposed to be a little goofy, but my goodness! It's done so well!

Tobe Hooper and the wonderful Karen Black bring us a quite a show, here, folks. In this story a little boy witnesses a UFO crashing into the property behind this house. Within a very short time people are acting VERY WEIRD, controlled, etc and it all stems from the landing site. Is the world doomed?

Yes, yes it is. 

The practical effects here - particularly the aliens, are Exquisite! Can honestly say I've never seen aliens quite like this. Jarring, is the first word that comes to mind ... 

As the film continues of course the military gets involved, no one is listening to the kid, wise cracks are cracked, and there are explosions. In all, this is a charming and cheeky horror story for almost the whole family...?

Don't miss these aliens, folks! Come for the cheekiness, stay for the alarming aliens. 

Okay! Gotta run!

I watched this film on Prime or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this fun feature.   

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Planet Terror (2007)

October Challenge Day 12

I sometimes still kick myself for not making it to the theater to see the Death Proof and Planet Terror double feature. Dang it! 

Alas, my bad. 

I also have no idea why it took me 16 years to see this amazing film! Hell, it took me 11 years to see Death Proof. Well, in any case, I've finally seen: 

Sweet baby jesus, this gore fest is FANTASTIC! I shouldn't be surprised, particularly when Tom Savini is involved ... 

Fast and ferocious, this absolute mess of blood, guts, monsters, and humor is some of my favorite things! Oh my goodness this one is so gross! Hahahaha! Love IT!

Here we have the classic story of when sketchy science combined with sketchy people is let loose in the world and a pandemic - some of the nastiest zombie-like creatures I've ever seen - takes over the world.

This isn't your typical creature feature, it's rock and roll, it's wild, it's hot, it's ruthless and completely unapologetic in every shape and form. Aghahaha! I want to watch it again!

Everyone is so great in this film. The effects are TOP TIER! How is Cherry Darling here, able to shoot directly from her gun leg? Who knows! Who cares! I sure didn't. 

I laughed so hard when the film cuts, half way through, and apologizes to the audience for missing a reel of the film - and then cuts back to the movie (clearly jumping far ahead) without explanation for why everyone is now gathered in a building. Lolololololololololo

Oh it brought back memories of when I worked in a movie theater, in the late '90s, and I had to haul film reals around, and to and from other theaters. Those containers are heavy as hell! I won't be surprised if I ever learn how often one of those containers would get lost. 

Fantastic film. 

Best watched on a lazy ass movie night. Alone works but probably best with company. See if you can find yourself a bar with a big screen and enjoy with strangers! Of course highly recommended to watch it as the intended double feature with Death Proof. Pairs with a ton of booze. 

I watched this film on the Roku channel or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this balls to the wall wild ride. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe (1970)

October Challenge Day 11


I never knew I NEEDED to see Vincent Price perform four Edgar Allen Poe stories in theatrical form, but I know now. I'm better for this experience. Let's take a look at:

Okay, so some people are Shakespeare folks. Some are Gilbert and Sullivan folks. Some others are opera, ballet, etc. folks. As a theater kid - I Am All These Folks. I love the theater, was pretty good in theater - went to state for some performances, made people laugh wildly for others, sang for a few, went pretty much naked for a few others, and even wrote a short play and had it performed. 

I love The Theater!

What I was not expecting when I popped in this film was how I lost my breath watching Vincent Price perform on what felt like my personal stage. Melted. What a talent. Marvelous man.

This is not your typical film and it's not your typical play. It's a one man show, speaking on behalf of Edgar Allen Poe.

I am a Poe fan, by the way. Big time. Don't care much for H.P. Lovecraft. His works feel more narcissistic while Poe's feel's more sympathetic - additionally, I trust Lovecraft's horrible history more, and distrust the light Poe has historically been painted in. 

I can't help but shake the thought that Price felt the same when he portrayed his characters here. Passionate, heartbroken, mad, and lost, there is heart here in the relaying of these stories - all on a stage platform. 

Overall, love it! Love this. If you also love the theater then don't miss this! 

Best watched in your best theater attire. Alone or with a best theater friend, on a dark, late, night. Pairs with wine, drama, and decay. 

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video. Or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's sidebar to see where else you can find this absolutely stunning feature.  

Reptile (2023)

October Challenge Day 10

I've been pretty uninspired by the horror films on Netflix lately, but for some reason this film caught my attention almost instantly. Long time followers know that I list a lot of "Drama" and "Thrillers" on my blog. That's because sometimes drama films, especially, scare the absolute living SH*T Out of Me!

Let's take a look at: 

What in the L.A. Confidential No Country for Old Men Sharp Objects True Detective Season 1 is this beauty!?

Wow! I can see why it's skyrocketing to the top of the popularity lists.

I imaging many people initially thought the same thing I did: is this about the murder of Lindsay Buziak?  It certainly seems inspired ... [shivers] that is an absolutely chilling case that lives rent free in my head, A Lot. 

This stone-cold crime thriller had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Note, this is one where you must pay attention at every second. I looked away a few times and I just had to rewind and start from the beginning again. TWICE

Here we have the story of a gritty detective trying to solve a murder in a small town. Classic tag line but it's the experience of this film that needs to be felt. Viewers will move through in an almost a dream-like state, growing increasingly more paranoid as we embark further through the maze. 

I'm sure we're going to be hearing a lot more about this film, seeing as it was just recently released as of the time of this post, so I'll keep this brief. 

With a stellar cast and haunting atmosphere slapping you in the face right off the bat, strap in for a wild two hour ride. Well done!

Best watched in a very still, silent, and empty room. 

My thoughts are with Lindsay Buziak's friends and family. I look forward to her killer being found, and soon. 

As right now this film is only available on Netflix. Down the road use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's sidebar to see where else you might be able to find this expressive and powerful feature. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Freakshow (1995)

October Challenge Day 9

Oh my goodness. I had a ton of fun with this one!! Lolololololo. It was just too much. Let's take a look at the hilarity that is:


Not expecting much at all, I had popped this movie in and walked out of the room for sec, just letting it play - and that's when I overheard someone say from the TV: "I am the Freak Master!!" and I booked it back out into the living room as fast as I could to see who would shout such a wildly entertaining statement. 

Well, it was none other than Gunnar Hansen (aka Leatherface). OH WHAT DELIGHT!

Here we have the classic tale of a couple of teenagers getting a little life lesson in the form of an anthology from the spooky Freak Master! 


We have a little mummy action, a little werewolf mania, some witchy bizness - you name it. This movie is not good but it's so damn wildly entertaining! I watched it twice! TWICE! It's just a perfect afternoon film to to have on in the background while do you do chores. Or, if you're like me, watch it later at night when you're paying more attention and just laughing your butt off, waiting for a pizza delivery.

Wild, wildly amusing movie! Hahahaha! I will recommend it, every time.

Best watched in your favorite mid '90s attire. Pairs with just about everything! Bonus if you bust out the jellied preserves. 

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this remarkable(ly silly) film.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Relic (2020)

October Challenge Day 8

I was scrolling through Shudder on Sunday morning, trying to figure what I was going to watch after having brunch with my friend. I came across this film, and I instantly texted her: "Hey! Want to come back to my place after brunch and watch a horror film at my place?" I just felt this film was a film that needed to be watched with a bestie. 

Let's check out:

I don't think this V.C. Andrews looking poster image was by accident. In fact, it was this poster image that made me think this movie was going to dive deep into family secrets and unlocking some witchy sh*t. 


No, no, what did I discover? It has a whole lot more to do with generational trauma and dementia. Who did I ask to join me in this viewing adventure? A daughter of a refugee who's mother is currently in a home for dementia. 


Needless to say there was a lot of crying happening in my living room Sunday morning. 

This film hits HARD and 100% not for all horror viewers. I would even stress that this film is probably for very few people. Here we have the story of an older mother who has a tendency to wander off and get confused. Daughter and granddaughter arrive to help take care of her. Whoops. There's a demon or two also in the house. 

Or is there....?

As most top notch horror stories go, there is a lot being said without it being said, or said in the form of a monster we are all afraid to look at in ourselves. That's very much the case here, and the very desperate attempt to protect the next generation from the horrors of the generations before them.  

While I apologized profusely for accidentally showing a horror film that reflects too close to home, we still had a bonding and release that I think this film was also trying to display. Again, and I can't stress this enough, this is not a film for everyone. I like films being appreciated for their specific message and this one is going to be rough to do in the wrong setting or wrong company. An easily misunderstood film.
This is a sad, traumatic, dark, gross, and totally uncomfortable film. It will likely leave you with more questions than answers - which is especially not to everyone's taste. 

In all this is a bit of a fever dream - conjured through the distraught and muffled screams of our ancestors. 

I watched this film on Shudder, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this soul destroyer of a film. 

Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Tomb of Ligeia (1964)

October Challenge Day 7

Everyone should experience once - at minimum - waking on up on a Saturday morning, where the light is bright, the air crisp, the trees illuminated by color, and Vincent Price is menacingly talking to you from the TV. 

Such complete delight!

Let's take a look at:

Here we have an Edger Allen Poe story, retold at Roger Corman's direction, and staring Vincent Price - and frankly that's just perfection for me. [chef's kiss!]

A brooding and mysterious man falls in love with a bright and bubbly woman. They marry and return to his crumbling estate. Uh oh. His first wife's body lies in the nearby tomb and, ope, this husband can't stop thinking about her and begins to demonstrate horrible control over his new wife. Gurrrl, run! Vincent Price is scary!

I don't think I've ever encountered a Corman or Price film I didn't like. It's like someone saying, "do you like cheese?" as you are shoveling shredded cheese in your mouth, standing in your underwear, and basked in the refrigerator light at 2 AM. 


Now I watched this film on a beautiful Saturday morning. Of course it could always work as a night film! I think it speaks very highly when a movie can fit both a bright Saturday morning and a brooding, stormy night. 

Beautifully filmed, dramatic, chaotic, delicate, and haunting - this is just a wonderful film!  Best watched during spooky season and alone (or preferably with a black cat). Pairs with wild game, sherry, and gaslight(ing).

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's sidebar to see where else you can find this stellar piece of cinema history.

Friday, October 6, 2023

The Lair (2022)

October Challenge Day 6

I'm a sucker for military horror films. Or even military-esk horror films (e.g. John Carpenter's The Thing, etc).

Now, Dog Soldiers is - hand's down - one of my favorites and probably kick-started my love of this horror story style. I've tried understanding why but I'm guessing I just really like the fast-paced action, the witty banter right before something terrible happens, and the teamwork-oriented kickassery. 

Could be that or perhaps it's just me coming from three generations of military families and I'm just trying to get through some generational trauma. Either way! Military horror films are some of my favorites. 

So when I saw a trailer for this film, I was all "...hell yeah. Doesn't even look great but now I have to see it". Let's check out:

The Lair

Yeah, this one starts off strong with a military plane being shot down and some big tiddies. And that's when I knew exactly where this film was going. So, with an unsurprising sigh, I cracked open a beer and waited for the monsters to arrive. 

This film follows some troops in Afghanistan who stumble upon a Soviet bunker that is filled with evil scientific, and forgotten experiments.... Uh Oh!

Yes, this film is exciting, visually, fast-paced, filled with quite the cast of characters, and loaded with epic fight and kill scenes. The dialogue though is lacking... but in a fun way, if you're prepared for it. The monsters on the other hand are Excellent! Super stellar fun monsters!

Overall, rather ridiculous but fun if you're looking for a fling-style movie night. Best watched in a bunker, or a living room blanket fort will also work well. Keep lights low and load up on comfy, cozy, blankets and pillows. Pairs with chicken nugget dinners (or chicken curry), beer, seltzers, or another drink that no one else really likes or understands but brings you joy. 

I watched this film on Shudder or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this military monster feature. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Misbegotten (1997)

October Challenge Day 5

I can't even with this one. I can't!  Hahahaha! It just touches on so many ... things. Let's take a look at:

This poster image! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO

Let's see what we can do here ... um. This film is about a serial killer who is OBSESSED with getting a woman pregnant. When his seed accidentally ends up in a fertility clinic, and a loving couple discovers they are pregnant thanks to the clinic's science, he becomes deadly obsessed with them. 

[drags palms down the face]

There's a lot going on here, folks.

Okay, first of all, as I do with all October Challenge films, I walked in blind to this movie, I'm just randomly selecting films, and I had no idea what this film was really about when I started it. Let me tell you. Let Me Tell You! The ick I had - the full body skin-crawl ick I experienced by this killer's obsession with inseminating a women - reached new heights.

Also, this is not really a great movie. It's pretty ... bad ... but it's also so off the charts with the plot that I was completely invested, much to my turning stomachs' suffering. 

Now, I also never had children. Never will want children - thank god my eggs are dying at rapid speed and I'm in the heart of perimenopause, of which I'm welcoming with open arms - because the idea of pregnancy already turns my stomach. [belch] Thank you to all the parents out there carrying on the human race! Lord's work, I imagine. 

I share all this because maybe that is why this mediocre at best film somewhat traumatized me? It got me thinking and came to some horrified theories: How often does this happen, really? Meaning, how many men out there are so frustrated at being unable to reproduce (reproduce vs. intercourse, specifically), they turn violent, psychotic? Is that part of the mania, the need for control AND reproducing? 

My brain just went down all sorts of rabbit holes and I started thinking about 28 Days Later  - the sexual slavery in that film very nearly made me throw up. I have panic attacks when I try to watch The Handmaid's Tale. I just gave up. I can't do. It's defeated me. 

Folks, I watch and listen to A Lot of true crime and it absolutely astounds me the level of stupid, violent sh*t men, in particular, do when they don't get their way. Also, October is Domestic Violence Awareness month.

In all, this film is a little nuts (this is one of my better puns - particularly when you see the ending of this film). It can't quite be rated. It's an experience. It's also unintentionally hilarious in many ways. It embodies the '90s low budget schlock while also being completely unhinged. 

Best watched with alone? I don't know. This one's hard. You might also need someone else there to validate what you're both seeing. Pairs with pepto bismol.

I rented this film from Scarecrow Video or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you might find this tummy turner.