Tuesday, October 3, 2023

A Ghost Story (2017)

October Challenge Day 3

Now, I knew - I KNEW - as soon as I saw this poster image I was going to dislike it a lot at first and then it will probably grow on me. I don't know why I have these discernment skills but it never fails. 

Never. Fails.

Spot on as usual. Let's talk about the haunting tale:

A Ghost Story

While the title is totally uninspiring, it is totally accurate. It's painfully accurate and I can't think of any other title for this particular film. 

Here we have the story about a man who dies suddenly in a car accident and then, as a sheet-draped ghost, returns home and watches his wife. 

As expected, this film, particularly in the first part, is intending to deeply convey grief, heartbreak, and moving on but from the ghost's perspective. While I absolutely understood what was being portrayed and why it was portrayed in this particular manner, I just fast forwarded through some parts. 

As a widow, there were scenes that deeply upset - downright irritated me. Particularly a scene involving a pie and sitting in the kitchen. It's not that I was triggered by anything in particular, but it was the pretentiousness of it all. Just made me a little mad. Should probably talk to my counselor about that ....

Now! That said! I was blissfully delighted by the latter half of the film. *That* was worth the viewing. It went from being an irritating art house feature (which I don't mind at all! I actually like irritating art house features), to a deep and heart-felt look into the perspective of this ghost as he transports between time and energy. 

Didn't see that coming, and that that's when this film really warmed on me. I think I even said "well done ..." out loud. 

Absolutely not a film for everyone. It gets heady, stays pretentious at times, and requires your attention and empathy. Might need some sort of palate cleanser after watching this one though, heads up. Something cheeky and light. 

Pairs with f*cking pie. Best watched alone or in a small group who likes to discuss existential topics and the heartbreak of transformation. 

I watched this film on Paramount+ or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this mind-messing feature. 

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