Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween! Here's 18 Short Horror Films You Need To See! (2018 edition)

October Challenge Day 31:

Happy Halloween everyone!! Here is 18 brilliant short horror films to spook up your day.

Why 18 you ask? Because this is the 8th month of the old Roman calendar and the 10th month of the current calendar. BRAINS!

So without further ado, below is my pick of some of the best out there. With a review of 18 words or less, and in no particular order, please enjoy Horror Habit's 2018 Short Horror Film Festival.

Behind: CRINGE BINGE GALORE! Absolutely Frightening. The mother is just trying to protect her child ... from something...

Coffer: A quiet night at home leads to a Jump Out Of Your Seat (I literally did) evening.

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon: LMFAO

The Visitor: A creatively done little story with a neat twist. 

The Maiden: Spooky haunted house story goes sinister. Dare you to play the Scary Grandma game after seeing this.

Larry: Careful what you browse through in the lost and found. This creature is terribly scary!!

Into the Mud: Well this took a turn I certainly did not expect!!! Brilliant story, cinematography, and acting. 

The Bridge Partner: This is one very serious bridge game. Fun, fresh, and wonderfully made - great story for all horror fans.

Good Luck, Mr. Zombie!: This is a clever little side tickler!!

In The Tall Grass: A fantastic, wonderfully made animated horror story about the horrors of our mind.

The Election: You might think you know what this film is about, but I can assure you - you don't.

Green Eyed: Brilliantly created original story about a girl, a monster, and a jealous yuppie.

The Crossing: A genuinely disturbing story about love, loss, and the nightmares in-between. Lovely work, terrifying story.

The Little Mermaid: Fantastical, beautiful, and chilling.

Waffle: Sometimes making friends is very difficult. Gruesome and unsettling, this short is also a cautionary tale, of sorts. 

The Silent: A troubling but beautiful visual experience, and a look into grief. 

Midnight Story: A little story about actual monsters in our home... one of the best animated films I've ever seen. 

Zombies and Cigarettes: "What are they?!" "Zombies, I think". [screaming and chaos everywhere]. "Zombies in Spain?" Smart, gory good fun.

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