Thursday, October 6, 2022

Ghost Writer (1989)

October Challenge Day 4: 

This film has been on my To Watch list for a while now, but I couldn't find it anywhere. So when I got a Letterboxd notification that it's now available to stream, I jumped into my jim-jammies, cracked open a beer, and settled on the couch with a load of blankets and two cats.

I'm Here For This Delightful Campy Shite!

Let's check out:

Ghost Writer

Oh lordy. Folks. I love THIS STUFF!

Here we have a journalist just trying to take a break from things in her distant relative's beach house. Little did she know, the house is haunted by a famous movie star who allegedly committed suicide several decades earlier. 

The ghost makes an appearance and the journalist is determined to solve the star's actual murder. 

This film is so '80s you can smell the neon and Aqua Net. I LOVE IT!

They make no effort hiding that the ghost is a Marilyn Monroe knock-off. Didn't even try. That's fine, it actually kinda grew on me. They also made no effort in providing the journalist with an even remotely interesting and less cringey love interest. I was making the yikes face every time he came on screen and I kept wanting to scream "guuurrl! Get Out Of There". Nope. This is an '80s film and we're just all going to laugh at the sexism. They look happy though, but if you look close enough, the journalist is blinking twice for help.

This is all cheese, cheek, and cuteness. Don't ask for anything in-depth, don't ask for stellar acting or dialogue. If you're an old hat at these films then you know exactly what you're getting. If you're new then well, welcome, this is an acquired taste. 

Watch with complete and total nonsense and zero shits to give. Pairs with food eaten directly out of bags, and a whole bottle of something because you're worth it. 

I watched this film on Hoopla or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you might find this ghostly gem of silliness. 

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