Saturday, October 29, 2022

The Hunger (1983)

October Challenge Day 28

I don't even know how long this film has been on my To Watch list. Years? Decades? Well, I finally did it. I finally saw the cult classic: 

Gaddamn vampires. 

Here we have the story of an ancient, ancient vampire who looses her century long companion because of neglect/indifference as she vies for a new partner. Her new partner of choice turns out to be a bit more than she can chew...

It never fails for me, never fails. Every Damn Vampire film looks and acts just like addiction and narcissism. Every single one. Let's check the boxes:
  • Immediate high/seduction to a new drug
  • Doing what ever you can to get your next fix/blood
  • Become dependent upon people's vulnerability
  • Take advantage of people for your own needs - often times sucking them dry...
  • The withdrawals are the worst
Okay, just had to get that out of the way. 

But I loved this film. I knew I was going to love this film because it has David Bowie in it, but the suspicion was solidified when the movie opened with Bauhaus singing Bela Lugosi's Dead. I was transported right back to my goth club days. 

I still don't know where my damn corset is. I actually liked that thing.

In any case, this is an art house-ish film that didn't really take off except in the cult world. I think that's fine. As an unofficial representative of cult classic films, I fully endorse this choice. It's a lovely, sexy, haunting, and cautionary tale about being an asshole to your partners and abuse. 

Best watched either leisurely on weekend mornings or late at night as the wind is howling outside. Pairs with sherry and any meat dish (rare). 

I watched this film on HBO or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this culty creature feature. 

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