Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Source Family (2012)

October Challenge Day 29

I debated heavily about putting this out as a horror film review, but it came up in conversation with friends so much - because CULTS ARE TERRIFYING - that I was all, what the hell. Let's check out:

I hate cults so much. 


I didn't even look up from my computer when major events happened in this documentary. I just pointed at the TV, and on queue, when this documentary was trying to be dramatic, I continued typing when these  happened:

He thinks he's speaking to God. 
He says he loves you.
He starts having fancy cars/things.
Drugs come into the picture.
Give up your finances.
Give up your support system.
Give up your identity.
Young women/girls become a part of the scene. 
You can marry multiple people. 
Oh look, now we have 15 year old wives.

I'm shocked.


So this sorry excuse of a human not only started a cult based on wholesome food, but killed multiple people with his own hands, left multiple marriages, children, AND people still followed him as if he was a god. 

Go to hell, brah. I'll see you there (according to the multiple men who told me that is where I'll be going).

This documentary came up in conversation multiple times with my people - and I even have a beloved friend who fully admits she wanted to learn more. She's already been a part of at least one famous cult. A cigarette is hanging out of my mouth, I'm taking a sip from my beer, and my big, sleepy eyes are all judgy at her. She rolls with it.

She rolls with it because she knows she has an escape plan. She has people who will knock others out to get to her.  I hate cults so much, but I appreciate that I know folks who are going to dive into this madness to understand it, and her folks will f*ck shit up if needed.

I wanted to vomit though when, by the end of the film, I saw people were still trying to keep this cult message alive - and didn't see this 'leader' as the monster he was. 

In all, I hate, hate, hate, hate cults.  And MAGAs - you're top on my vomit list. I do take a deep breath though, to realize my rage is at the manipulator, not the victims. 

This was a gross documentary because an alarming amount of people saw no problem with what was happening with this guy and still try to keep his image alive. Nah. Going to file this one in my horror selection. Also going to see my way out.

I watched this film on my Philo or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see were else you can find this real life nightmare. 

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