Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Monstrous (2022)

October Challenge Day 10

Oh the unraveling mind. So many ways in which this experience can be turned into a horror film. Let's take a look at:

Here we have the story of a young mother, running away with her young son from her abusive husband. Painted with a 1950's backdrop, this film is all about feel, texture, and time.

They find themselves settling into a large home in a remote and desolate place, excited - at least she is - about their new future. Her son is not so thrilled and is complaining about a lady that comes out of the lake at night. 

Uh Oh.

Like most horror films about madness, viewers are forced to question their own reality and then often find themselves in a sort of sorrow by the end after a reveal about what is *actually* happening, occurs. This is no exception and yet it actually took me by surprise. 

This is a spooky little creeper that will leave some chills. A nice pick for a lazy day - and overall, a decent film about the horrors of grief and change.

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