Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Phantom Thread (2017)

October Challenge Day 26

Long time followers of Horror Habit know I add a lot of traditionally identified "Drama" films as "Horror Films". 

And I Will Never Stop!

Me telling you why this drama is a horror film
Me telling you why this drama is a horror film

This film is no exception - my heart was racing the whole time, not because I was watching a "love" story. I was watching a horror film. Let me introduce you to:

Here we have a man, staunch in his ways, who begins to fall in love with a woman - who is also staunch in her ways. They battle over clothing and independence. 


I stumbled upon this film quite accidently, and as soon as I saw the trailer I was *infatuated* with seeing it.  That's always a red flag for a "horror" film masquerading as a "drama" film. They suck me in every time. Every time. It's like I'm a magnet for this stuff. 

I became so infatuated with this film that I could not look away. I could not look away from a story that is about people falling in love and creating beautiful dresses! AHHHHGGG!

Or is it love ... really?

And here is where the horror comes in. 

The steady beat throughout the film is an all-consuming dread. For me anyway. Something very very bad is about to happen with this "love". Amazingly enough, I did not see how this dread would transform and turn into something so profoundly sinister I still don't have words. 

My words are limited to: how can you call this a love story??!? And why do I understand that it is?!?!?!

This is also such a remarkably beautiful film. Stunning in every way. The acting is breathtaking. Breathtaking. It's all - such a work of art.

That might be part of what scared me so much. It's so beautiful, it's so sinister, it's called a 'love' story. I traditionally hate romance films. I actually hate 99% of them because I find them dangerous and unhealthy. 

I'm taking a moment now to realize how absolutely hilarious this sounds coming from a horror film fanatic...

But no seriously, I do not like romance films unless they are Hallmark level absurd and then we can all have fun. 

This is the type of romance films that leave me with nightmares, and that's why I'm adding it to Horror Habit. That's all I got. This film is a beautiful, horrifying, experience and I will recommend seeing it every time. It's beautiful. 

Best watched alone, sitting in a room with very high ceilings and surrounded by everything perfectly in place. Pairs with an unusually large breakfast with mushrooms. 

I watched this film on Amazon or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this mentally crushing feature. 

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