Monday, October 12, 2020

The Spell (1977)

October Challenge Day 12:

Although I love stellar horror movies - raved and appreciated by the most revered critics, I'm not above loving trash 1970's made-for-TV horror stories. 

I'm talking trash, folks, and I love them. Let me introduce you to one:

Here we have a Carrie-esque story about a teenage girl instilling magical revenge on those who cross her. 

It's exhausting that this film's premise suggests people pick on her because of her weight (which is totally normal), but for some odd reason I was able to work through it with the help of the the film's score. The score being an odd mix of '70's soft porn and something that sounds suspiciously like John Denver's "Sunshine on My Shoulders". The music is escalated during high tension moments, making it all the more manically hilarious. 

As someone who survived being a teenage girl (NO SMALL TASK), I totally digged this heroine and would have undoubtedly befriended her. It's dangerous to get into a revenge seeking mind set, but, like Carrie, I was really on her side and people are the worst sometimes. 

Unlike Carrie, the mother here is fighting - fighting hard - for her daughter. Trying to get the world to understand that she is simply different and deserves respect. Let's add on some parapsychologists, sinister twists, and real witchy witchy sh*t - and we have fantastic trashtasic entertainment. 

Pairs with grilled cheese sandwiches and every possible 1970's setting you can think of (I felt those itchy couches the whole time, for example).

I watched this film on Prime, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this doozy of a day drinking whopper. 

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