Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Wake In Fright aka Outback (1971)

October Challenge Day 7:

10 minutes into this film and I was already scared - scared of the hell that was undoubtedly heading my way with this scorching nightmare.

Words really can't describe the Australian masterpiece that is: Wake In Fright

OH THE NIGHTMARES, FOLKS! I was not prepared for this film but I knew it was going to get ugly, very ugly, and oh did it. 

I swear I could smell this film. 

Smell it. 

Still shuddering. It's so intensely visceral - by the end I felt like I just had a three all day drinking binge with the worst company possible...

Here we have the story of a stressed one room school teacher in the Australian outback who is just trying to get back to his girl in Sydney during the Christmas break. A transfer spot at one of the most remote towns in Australia leads us all to a three day nightmare that repeatedly punches so many places in the psyche that I am now officially out of words. 

You can feel the scorching outback heat. *FEEL IT* You can feel the sweat, the nihilism, the stench of stale beer, the chaos, and you will most certainly feel everything about the kangaroo hunt... (fair warning friends, it's a real hunt and it's incredibly difficult).

UGH. This one is so terrible. So terribly good and now I need a long, hot shower. 

Pairs with beers. Way, way, way, way too many beers. Watch with trusted friends, or maybe your drinking buddies. Wait. Maybe not your drinking buddies. 

I watched this film on Shudder, or use the Find It! Watch It! links on Horror Habit's side bar to see where else you can find this fabulous feature. Good luck.

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