Thursday, October 27, 2016

Army of Darkness (1992)

October Challenge Day 25:

It was brought to my attention that my Husband had never seen Army of Darkness. Makes one wonder if they *really know* who they married ...

I had to rectify this pronto - it was necessary to bring peace to the home and to help makes Mike's life more complete.

My older brothers brought this film to my attention right after it came out. I couldn't even guess how many times this film was rented from the local video store, or how high the late fees mounted up because we simply couldn't part with it. 

It's safe to say that this film is one of the crown jewels in our family's horror movie watching experience.

I Love This Film So Much I Could Just Burst.

It's hard for me to even write up a review about it because, well, how do you write up a review about breathing in a peaceful forest, falling asleep when you're tired, or being hungry when it's time to eat. This film has become so much a part of my life that I'm not able to probably review it. It just *IS*.

Here we have everything you love from the Evil Dead films, monsters, demons, wit, banter, hilarious gore, absurdity, plus a happy ending and King Arthur gets punched in the face. What More Do You Need?

Watch with your best people, particularly with anyone who needs a Really Good laugh. Pairs with messy food such as spaghetti (lots of red sauce - like, too much red sauce). Or, just start shoving your face with all the junk food you can find on sale at your nearest S-Mart.

I watched this film on Crackle - please don't ask why I don't own it. It's hard enough already to realize that I don't own a copy. Use the links under Find It. Watch It. on Horror Habit's sidebar to see where else you can find this Must See for all horror fans feature.

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