First, I found my Halloween costume at Value Village for $5.99. My Husband and I spent about an hour there, searching. In any other time or place, conversations such as these:
"...I don't know if you'll see all the blood, though..."
", it feels more Mrs. Bates, I need something from the 1890s..."
" can see blood pretty good on blue..."
"...white, yes a white blouse. That will show off the spatters more..."
"...see, if you just stand up and spray the blood on me, that might work..."
would not go over well in public. But since it's Halloween time and Value Village during Halloween time, we were the least concerning people in there. And then he found a pepper grinder for 2 dollars and we called it good. [high five]
Second: one of my ghost stories is being told on the Anything Ghost show Halloween Special! You can check it out here, on this link. My story is #11 (Spinal Tap fans, I did not do this on purpose. Life is just awesome that way).
Third: I saw my Rain City Video horror movie buddy at - well, Rain City Video. I talked about how I'm a little bit sad that the October Challenge is drawing to a close... what is going to happen to this blog? New and more awesome things was the conclusion! She also said she's been reading this blog [gleeeeeeeee].
But now on to tonight's movie. I've not watched enough werewolf movies lately, time to step up. Tonight's film is Bad Moon. The tagline is: "Half man. Half wolf. Total terror." Yes, I agree with that math. If I saw a half man half almost anything else, I say that would totally add up to terror in any situation. For instance, Half Man Half Sink. Half Man Half Asparagus. Half Man Half Brita Filter Water Container. The list goes on, and I'm only in the kitchen.

So, tagline, you haven't sold me. The the pictures on the back of the DVD cover, however, tells another story. You have the potential to have me second guess the mighty misty moon I'm now watching...
See you all after the show.
Well, it's a very 1990's film. Yes, that is my initial summary "Oh, how very 1990's". I'm not sure that I've ever said that about a movie before...I'm not even sure I know what that means...
So in this movie, a Pacific Northwest werewolf (not associated with Twilight) is wandering the woods. His biggest nemesis for a good deal of the film is a family pet, a dog named Thor.
While this was intriguing for a little while, I couldn't stop thinking about how 1990's the film was - which caused a bit of a distraction, and eventually I fell asleep. Subsequently, I had dreams about werewolves the rest of the night (some hilarious, some unnerving).
If you love werewolf films then this should be added to your list. If you love good horror movies then I recommend coming back to this one at a later time. If you're wondering how a horror movie can be "So 1990's" - let me ponder that for the rest of the day and get back to you.
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