Saturday, October 3, 2015

Ghostwatch (1992)

October Challenge Day 3:

We've been watching the news on TV for most of the morning.

Sad, terrible, horrible news. I find it difficult to watch too much news. The Exorcist, Hellraiser, The Shining - I'll watch that on any given morning. But the news, no so much.

I get too worked up, too upset, angry, frustrated, disgusted, horrified, depressed, and finally exhausted.

I find even the most gruesome horror movies fun.

But real life is the scariest thing I've ever seen.

So to merge together terrible real life with my horror movie pick for the day, I've chosen the super controversial British made-for-TV special: Ghostwatch.

I'm not too familiar with the story line. What I do know is that it was banned by the BBC right after it's debut. It was billed as a entertaining Drama but the public took to it like the 90's version of iconic radio show War of the Worlds.

Still talked about to this day, and still referenced as one of the most unintentional (intentional?) fake horror stories to hit the air waves, Ghostwatch sounds like a perfect way to start my afternoon.

I am so looking forward to a news break so as to watch this particular news break.

See you after the show!!


It took me all day to watch this film. All. Day.

Not because it was terrible but because I ended up knowing this story already. Although innovative in 1992, by 2015 I've been burned out by the style.

That doesn't make it a bad film, though!

I turned on the movie and 30 minutes in I was Crockpotting, decorating for Halloween, and paying bills. Although that is my 2015 reaction, I still recognized how powerful this little movie was for 1992. I would have been terrified at the time had I seen it then, still terror stricken by family stories and reeling from Garfield His 9 Lives.

This simple made-for-TV movie was an intentional (unintentional) horror show. And bravo for that. Unfortunately for the show I didn't end up seeing it until 2015 and on a sunny mid-Saturday afternoon. Frightening? Not all all. Entertaining? At times.

Please research the history of this show. At this point the scandals that were a product of this BBC special are more interesting than the actual movie. And that's where I'm going to leave this review.

It ended nicely, it was super innovative, it's likely not something that will shock you. BUT it's a horror show if you're not paying bills, decorating, and making dinner.

Check it out. It's a must see all the same.

I saw this film on my Dailymotion Roku channel. Use the links under Find It. Watch It. on Horror Habit's side bar to locate where else you can find this feature.

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