Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Prophecy (1995)

October Challenge Day 8:

Today's pick was a difficult choice! I had three I really wanted to see, narrowed it down to two, then ate some dinner and was certain on one.

But THEN I turned on my Netflix and everything changed.

I know I've seen The Prophecy, I can remember certain scenes - I remember loving it, but when I watched the trailer again I was all like, "What? Wait? When! WHAT? I don't remember that!"

I asked Mike which movie he was in the mood for. The one that I was *certain* on or The Prophecy. He said, "Walken wins!"

And so it shall be. Here we go! See you after the show!


I wasn't able to get my final review posted last night because after the feature I went immediately to my laptop and typed into Google: "Archangels fighting". Before I knew it, I was up way past my bedtime.

Mike has read the bible several times over, just for the hell of it, so he was able to fill me on a great deal of Archangel background. I, on the other hand, have never found Christianity interesting, fun, or the slightest bit entertaining. Someone starts telling me about the Apostles and my eyes glaze over and I start thinking about lint on their clothes, my clothes, etc.

This movie, however! This was fun. This was very fun! But like every religion, if you start thinking about it critically, the story falls apart and all logic shoots out the window. Check your mind at the door with this one and just enjoy the entertainment.

Now  I have a confession to make. I have never seen this film before. I know, I know, I know I said earlier that I had - but what I must have seen was one of the SEQUELS.


This is a campy, culty, strange, fun weird ride. I want more Walken as Archangel Gabriel and Viggo Mortensen as the Devil! More Wagab and Videv!

Watch with a group. Eat burnt crackers and have wine spilled all over the place.

I saw this film on Netflix streaming. Use the links under Find It. Watch It. on Horror Habit's side bar to locate where else you can find this cult classic.

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