Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Mist (2007)

Well, since I wasn't able to see my originally planned movie (Kill List), I turned to something trustworthy, true, solid, and sure to be a great horror show:

I saw this movie once many years ago, but my Husband had never seen it - so this became the backup plan and what a great backup plan it was!

There were so many scenes I had forgotten, it was like watching it for the first time!

This is a stellar horror movie! STELLAR. Aside from the creatures in the mist, the religious zealots were the most frightening creatures in this film, but I'm jumping ahead...

A seemingly run-of-the-mill thunderstorm brings more than just fallen trees to this quaint New England town. It brings a mist that taints the town with total and complete chaos!!

There are monsters outside, there are monsters inside, there are monsters in the minds of the fearful. This movie is All About The Monsters - real and imagined. And that is just part of what makes this film so bad ass and completely terrifying.

Other things that make this movie awesome (in no particular order):

#1: Acting is great!
#2: Dialogue is so sharp it hurts.
#3: It was written by Stephen King.
#4: Fans of The Walking Dead - prepare to loose your minds over some familiar faces!
#5: The characters are so devilishly satisfying.
#6: The characters are so frustratingly real.
#7: It's SO SCARY
#8: It's SO SAD

Although this movie is all about the invading monsters, it's also heavily focused on the monsters people can become when faced with fear and the unknown. We can be some scary beasts....

Good movie for a small group or just alone. That said, though at first it's a fun horror movie for a gathering, it gets downright dark at the end and might be best appreciated with your own internal dialogue...and you might need a hug by the end....

Stellar horror movie. Stellar. I can't seem to think of another word, so it's going to be: Stellar. Very few quiet like this one.

I saw this film on Amazon Prime streaming. Use the links under Find It. Watch It. on Horror Habit's side bar to locate where else you can find this fantastic feature.

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