I know the internet harbors a treasure trove of lists that feature fantastic underrated and overlooked horror movies. Nevertheless, I decided to create one as well. I have chosen these specific movies because rarely, if ever, do I see them in other Horror Movies You May Have Missed lists!
Hurrah for more movies!
Movies and lists!
So, without further ado, and to welcome in this year's October Challenge, I present:
50 Horror Movies You May Have Missed (vol. 1)
Because there will be more. Oh yes, there will be more.
Alice (1988) |
Alice: A Czech film of epic proportions. At times nightmarish, at others a jaw dropping mind trip. I would not recommend this rendition of Alice In Wonderland for the kids! It is creepy, creative, gross, and beautifully filmed. It will require your full attention, some patience, and prepare to get uncomfortable. Watch with taxidermists.
The Amazing
Mr. X (1948) |
The Amazing Mr. X: It was the opening sequence if this classy black and white film that won me over - it was moody, beautiful, haunting, and original. Although not at all scary, this one does have an intriguing story line about supposed ghosts, a psychic, and a detective. At times a little goofy, rather dated, and with a nice dash of suspense, this is perfect for late night movie watching. Pair with a bottle of wine. You can read my more detailed review
Big Ass Spider!
(2013) |
Big Ass Spider!: The title says it all, folks! This is a very fun movie and perfect for anyone looking for side-splitting laughter, butt jokes, and how a "nobody" fights off big ass spiders. Perfect for movie gatherings, parties, or just sitting at home by yourself, feeling like a tiny little "nobody" in a big bad world. This movie will turn those frowns upside down! You can read my more detailed review
Black Sheep (2006) |
Black Sheep: I don't know why I don't see more accolades for this New Zealand film. It is both funny and frightening. Funny in the dark humor sort of way and frightening in the way killer sheep can be. Most frightening is when the humans contract this vicious little disease... I highly applaud this movie for its cleverness and ability to turn sheep into someone's worst nightmare. It touches on the hot topics of animal testing, greed, and suggests to other unmentionables. Simply put, this movie is so wrong it's right. So herd your best beer drinking and movie watching peoples over for a highly entertaining movie. You can read my more detailed review
Bubble (2005) |
Bubble: You're going find this movie in the Drama section before you find it in the Horror, but that doesn't mean it's not one downright frightening film. The focus of the film is on three people in a doll factory - and then one of them dies. Moody, gritty, raw, suspenseful, and set in a decaying small town, this is one chiller you won't soon forget. It touches on madness, poverty, loneliness and stars people just found on the street. Much of the dialogue is improvised, making it an even more honest (and therefore) very spooky story. Best watched alone on a cold dark night. You can read my more detailed review
The Ceremony (2008) |
The Ceremony: One young man's battle against a demon he accidentally conjured up after snooping around in his roommate's stuff. Folks, we all know that when this happens it's going to end badly for just about everyone but the demon. But that doesn't mean the unfolding story isn't entertaining! With a very sharp use of lighting, space, and one actor - this film is well worth your time. Pairs well with nights where all your plans fell through and now you're just sitting there, at home, wondering what to do next. You can read my more detailed review
Creep (2014) |
Creep: I've just recently seen this one and already it's on my Top Horror Movies list. A money-strapped videographer answers a Craigslist add - and that was the worst mistake he ever made. Incredibly funny and marvelously twisted, this one is sure to tickle your sides and chill your bones. Watch with your new best friend... You can read my more detailed review
The Creepy Doll
(2011) |
The Creepy Doll: Although it may seem like the movie is about a creepy doll, it really isn't. Sure, sure, it has a creepy doll, but that is not the creepiest thing in this movie. Very low budget but loaded in the innovation and dialogue departments, this little film about a doll collector and her spanking new husband (who's not so sure marriage was the right choice) is a genuine shocker. Best seen with a creepy doll, put it in the corner of a room... facing you. You can read my more detailed review
Curse of the
Demon (1957) |
Curse of the Demon and Night of the Demon:
This is a surprisingly great movie! This one may have bypassed a lot of 1950's B-movie radar because it's both a B-movie and Not a B-movie. I would shelve it beside
Carnival of Souls and
Night of the Living Dead. B-movie atmosphere but top shelf monster madness. The monster in this film really threw me for a loop. Plainly put, I was not expecting it to be so awesome. Great Halloween pick, late night movie pick, or movie night with friends. Watch with movie fans who think they've seen it all (but not this one).
Deep Red (1975) |
Deep Red: A Dario Argento film. That's about all you need to know. Although many of his films have made it on many a Horror Movie Fan list - this one I don't see as often. This movie is a nightmare in the making for the not-entirely-serious horror movie watching folks. Particularly by way of little random things thrown into the movie mix that really shouldn't be there. This is a profound and psychologically disturbing film, I recommend it only to those looking to dive deeper into their identities as a horror aficionado. For the first time, watch alone. You can read my more detailed review
Don't Bother
To Knock (1952) |
Don't Bother To Knock (1952): Marilyn Monroe as one super-duper creeptastic person! That alone caught my eye but the entire film is edge of your seat Thriller. It is set in one hotel room and the nightmare builds from there. My first response to this film is: Daring. And if I remember correctly, Ms. Monroe wanted to show the world that she could perform something other than a bumbling blonde, and she did - to Stand Up Ovations as far as I'm concerned. This movie still haunts me, and I've only seen it only once and that was damn near 10 years ago. Find it. Watch it. Will pair well with homemade mixed drinks when you don't normally make homemade mix drinks.
The Fields (2011) |
The Fields: This is the perfect film for horror movie lovers that actually prefer psychological thrillers. The genius behind this quiet little beauty is all in your head. The story parallels news reports of the Manson murders, and shows how one lonely little boy tries to process this constant terrible background news feed in his very imaginative and innocent mind. Touching, beautiful, slow but just right for the heart and mind melt,
The Fields is a must see. Watch on a lonely, cold night alone. You can read my more detailed review
Ganja and Hess (1973) |
Ganja and Hess (1973): A vampire story like you've never ever seen it before! Completely unsettling, and terribly, beautifully raw - this movie will cross all boundaries you built for Vampire Romance. Originally debuted during the height of Blaxploitation mania, this one said "No!" and created a poetic masterpiece instead. Watch in someplace that feels abandoned. Pairs well with potent red wine and fruit. You can read my more detailed review
Ghost Story (1981) |
Ghost Story: I read the book. I've seen the movie. I loved the book and the movie - they turned into two different entities though. In fact, I feel the movie is a lot more clean cut as far as the plot goes, and I loved it for that. Those who have and have not read the book can both appreciate the movie version. Classic Revenge Ghost Story with a rather startling end (to the point that I thought I would have, perhaps, a nightmare for a moment). Will pair well with Bourbon or Cognac. Crackling fire background. If you have a dirty secret then you should write it down and toss it into the fire where you watch it burn with an expressionless face. Watch with closest, oldest friends. You can read my more detailed review
The Golem (1920) |
The Golem: A Masterpiece! I know you've heard of it before. I know you've seen the cover - probably in passing - but now you must stop and give it your attention. If not for the moral of the story then absolutely for the scenery. Avant Garde, gorgeous, dark, rebellious, angry, frustrated, heartwarming, and full of dangerous blind faith, this 1920's German silent film is a moving work of art. Will pair well with religious holidays or after political speeches. Water, milk, or tea. Watch alone or in a small group. You can read my more detailed review
Head Trauma (2006) |
Head Trauma: This movie is that person you met randomly for a moment (talking just one or two minute conversion) never saw again but always think about. Dark, intriguing, maybe a little crazy but still endearing - this movie will tug at heart and your mind. It also has a nasty neighbor who wears a track suit, which always seems to amuses me to no end. You can read my more detailed review
The Hole (2009) |
The Hole: Attention teens and adults! This one's for you. It is smart, sassy, super super dark, but also light enough to be enjoyed by most parties. Perfect for "...I like certain horror..." and "...I like Hocus Pocus..." movie fans (I love both). Although light, at times it dives in deep about some very serious issues. Especially for anyone who has grown up with heavy hearts. Watch with teens, best friends, or alone. Will pair well with Hotpockets or Mac n' Cheese. You can read my more detailed review
House (1977) |
House: THIS IS COMPLETE MADNESS! ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK! I REPEAT! ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. I first saw this one in an obscure little neighborhood theater - and they served me booze. Still unsure if that made the movie better or worse. All I know is that I walked out of there completely out of my mind. Then I watched it again, on my own on a sober Saturday afternoon, and I walked out of my apartment completely out of my mind. You want Japanese school girls? You want killer inanimate objects? You want a story line that MAKES NO SENSE TO THE POINT THAT INSANITY MAKES SENSE? Then you want this. You need this. Pairs with nothing. Just stare at this cat for a while....
The House By The
Cemetery (1981) |
The House By The Cemetery: There is one scene in this film that still blows me way. It involves a kitchen, a hand, a bat (flying kind), and a really long and uncomfortable time to tie this kitchen + hand + bat scene up. For that alone, folks, is the reason you need to see this film. The rest of the film you will appreciate too, but it is the kitchen + bat scene that may solidify your love for this beautifully mad movie. Watch with friends. Watch on an empty stomach then introduce something acidic. You can read my more detailed review
House of Wax (1953) |
House of Wax: This is a truly horrifying film if you give it five minutes thought. Otherwise it's a another goofy 1950's movie. Smart, dark, sad, creative, this film is a Must See for any late night movie watcher. Also great for Halloween movie nights, group gatherings, or just alone. This is fun and delightfully dark movie for any horror movie fan. Pairs well with outsiders - in any form.
Lady In White
(1988) |
Lady In White: LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH I COULD JUST BURST. This is a classic in the family, and one that I am fiercely protective of. I watched it so much that it defined my idea of a Good ghost story - to this day. Dark, disturbing, touching, sweet, wrong, right, weird, wonderful, tender, fantastical, and honest - this movie is beautiful. A rare horror film that both teens and adults will appreciate. Best seen in a small and quiet setting. Would pair nicely with an AM station playing quietly in the background. Some crackers, cheese, and your favorite pumpkin pie. Left over Halloween candy works too. You can read my detailed review
Let Sleeping
Corpses Lie (1974) |
Let Sleeping Corpses Lie: All you need to know about this mind-blower is that it's about zombies. That AND you need to hear this Director greeting: "Hello! I'm Jorge Grau. Several years ago I shot this film, which had many titles. 'No Profanar el Sueio de los Muertos' is how it was called in Spain. In Italian it was 'Da Dove Vieni?". In English the title was 'The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue'. It has been named many ways. I hope you like it. I know that those of you looking for this type of film, you also look for the happy moment. What I really mean is that I hope you have a bad time. I hope you get very scared and that you suffer profoundly, because that is the way to enjoy these types of films." Watch with whiskey. You can read my more detailed review
Let's Scare Jessica
To Death (1971) |
Let's Scare Jessica To Death: I watched this film because my boss told me it nearly scared her half to death when she saw it as a teen. Although it's not one of my very favorite films, it's certainly one that should be added to your watch list. Moody, dark, suspenseful and unnerving, this one will twist the boundaries of ghosts, vampires, psychopaths, and overall madness. Watch on dark cloudy afternoons or on a sick day, preferably when you have a fever. Pairs with soup or rice cakes.
Mr. Jones (2013) |
Mr. Jones: A supernatural found footage thriller about Banksy, if Banksy is a very disturbing creature living in the woods. This one is daring, powerfully suspenseful, and takes a rather large stab at the modern art community. That is why you should watch this film. That said! This movie drags on a bit in the end....it's a must see but - but - but I will understand if you don't like the end. I think it's the end that defines those who love or hate this film. Watch it and decide for yourself. Pairs with sandwiches and strange new healthy energy drinks.
The Nesting (1981) |
The Nesting: This is an off-center and sinister little ghost story that you may forget about, for years, until one day you stumble upon something that reminds of a certain scene and then you'll be all like: Oh YEAH! That movie! That was the case for me. You need to see this film for a couple reasons, but mostly because You. Need. To. See. This. House. It's is a strange film though, folks, and not for everyone. Some will argue that the story falls apart, some will say the story makes no sense. I, personally, think of it as a quiet little gem for a late night alone. Pairs with wine spritzers and pretzels or generic cola and popcorn.
Nite Owl (1993) |
Nite Owl: Vampires struggling to be vampires. This is a bit of a sad one, folks. Sad and a little scary. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it during the first half of the film, but by the end I was pretty hooked on the demented nature of it all. Great for art house fans or anyone interested in the New York 1980's community upheaval. Pairs well with red wine or cheep beer. Best watched alone or in a very small group. You can read my more detailed review
No Telling (1991) |
No Telling (or The Frankenstein Complex): This one moves slowly and surely and then - BAM - right at the end you're blown out of your seat saying, "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT THIIIIIIINNNNGGG?" Although not terribly frightening, it is very very disturbing. So much so that you'll think twice about marrying that scientist who wants to move to the country and conduct experiments... Will pair well with biscuits and gravy or any home style cooking. Will work alone or in a group, so long as everyone pays close attention. You can read my more detailed review
The Other (1972) |
The Other: Need more evil children movies in your life? Then let me introduce you to these menacing little twins. If you've read the book then you've kinda sorta seen the movie. If you've seen the movie then you kinda sorta read the book. Either way, I recommend both. Dark, suspenseful, moody, and twisted this one will likely curl your toes and have you swear off children. Pairs well with spiked punch.
Ragnarok (2013) |
Ragnarok (2013): A Norwegian film for Jurassic Park fans. This one is fun, loud, silly, and full of giant monsters. I thought this was a highly entertaining film but others - not so much. Perhaps the movie didn't move fast enough or they couldn't buy the idea of these particular giant sea monsters. Either way, I think this one works great for the whole family and all you children at heart. Pairs best with popcorn, snacks, and a happy setting.
The Red Room Riddle (1983) |
The Red Room Riddle: Folks, this little made-for-TV ABC Weekend Special scared the crap out of me as a kid. Watching it as an adult is, of course, not *terrifying* but it may make you wonder why in the world your parents let you watch it as a kid. It took me years to hunt this one down again because I couldn't remember the title. I could only remember certain scenes. When I finally found it I watched it. Again, and again. If you are also looking for that TV movie that stars a couple of boys, and there's a bone, a creepy kid, something to do with a fire - well, you found it. You're welcome. Pairs with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You can read my more detailed review
Return To Oz (1985) |
Return to Oz: Speaking of movies that scared the crap out of you as a kid... It's quite possible this movie was my gateway drug to Horror Movies. This is a very terrifying film for anyone under 13. I swear it. I haven't touched it as an adult, I prefer to keep my youthful wide-eyed, jaw-dropped, sitting too close to the television, having nightmares for months memory for a while. I'm not sure who thought this one would be a good fit for the whole family. It's right up there with introducing a 7 year old to
Gremlins, in my opinion. Great horror film, though! Watch with childhood friends on Sunday afternoon. Pairs with comfort foods.
Saint Nick (2010) |
Saint Nick: The English overdubbing of this evil Santa film is so outstandingly hilarious that it's a must-see just for this reason alone. The story line, however, is a downright creeptastic gorefest. Although I laughed my way through the film, I applauded its guts (pun intended) and glory. I watched this one with a group of people on Black Friday. Because getting into our pajamas, eating and drinking mimosas, and watching horror movies all day is so much better than shopping. And I mean So Much. So I recommend watching this with a group of fun-loving people too! Prepare to laugh, be shocked, and then laugh some more.
Scary or Die (2013) |
Scary Or Die: This movie is a collection of short horror stories - just one of them being about a clown (don't pay too much attention to the cover). All dark, little sad, little funny, and downright quirky, this movie is a shocker that will surly have you chuckling whilst recoiling in horror. Good for a group or a late Halloween night. Pairs with popcorn, big fully slippers, and a couch.
Seeding Of A
Ghost (1983) |
Seeding of a Ghost: Somebody had a bunch of props and way too much booze when this mystery stain of a movie was conjured up. Sex, violence, gore, total and complete chaos, a ghost, demon births, sorcery, and family time. This movie will melt your face off. You can read my more detailed review
Shock (1946) |
Shock : I absolutely love this film. Love. It. Evil Vincent Price at one of his best Evil Vincent Prices. All you really need to know (to know this is a horror film) is that this involves a 1940's mental asylum and Evil Vincent Price runs it. Pairs with martinis and jello snacks. You can read my more detailed review
The Shrine (2010) |
The Shrine: This one has quickly topped my favorites list. We have some really terrifying demons here! There is a suspicious backwoods community! There are simply some very scary and completely suspenseful scenes! Top it all off with a brilliant twist at the end! I don't get why this one is not on more Excellent Horror Movie lists, folks. Oh well, it's here now. Watch with a group of friends or alone, very late at night. Pairs with anything Polish. You can read my more detailed review
Silent House (2011) |
Silent House: This is a great movie but not for everyone. This one gets dark and disturbing, with very real things (because humans can be the worse sometimes) right quick. Although a great horror movie, it's also not one that you'll run to for a horror movie night with your best pals. Beautifully filmed, great acting, maddeningly cold, and with a very suspenseful story line, it's definitely one to see - at least once. Pairs well with hot chocolate, a big blanket, and rainy day.
Some Guy Who
Kills People (2011) |
Some Guy Who Kills People: I don't know if it's right or wrong that, with a movie title like this one, my sides hurt by the end - from laughing so much. I've never laughed harder at a horror film. Extremely witty, sharp, campy edgy, clever, and downright silly - I love this film. Perfect for all you "I'm not into really scary horror" movie fans. This one is the perfect blend of heart-warming, gorefest, thriller, suspense, comedy, and quality. You can read my more detailed review
Suddenly, Last
Summer (1959) |
Suddenly, Last Summer: Oh, Tennessee Williams, you sure know how to tug at the heart and home hamstrings, don't you? Or rather, to be more accurate, more like yank those hamstrings out with a fork... This movie blew me out of the water. Right out. Although the story moves along in a silky, stabby stab stab way, it's the very end that will leave you with nightmares. Blinding white nightmares. Pairs with fans, heat, and strange drinks - prepare for a jaw drop.
Take Shelter (2011) |
Take Shelter: This is another more-sad-than-frightening film. You may get frustrated with the main character... But I assure you, by the end you'll be giving those apocalyptic visions your "crazy neighbor" has been telling you about a second thought. Frustrating, brutal, cold and hard, this movie is not friendly or kind. Rather, it's a little sad and will leave you shaking (either out of fear or to warm up) in the end.
Tales of Terror (2007) |
Tales of Terror From Tokyo and All Over Japan: There are two different versions here that share this same title. One is the 5 disk DVD version and one is The Movie version. I've seen both, and you should to. Why? Do you love short Japanese ghost stories? Then here are hours and hours and hours of short Japanese ghost stories! You're Welcome! Pairs with more Japanese ghost stories. You can read my more detailed review
Tin Can Man
(2007) |
Tin Can Man: This is an art house claustrophobic psychotic mess if I've ever saw one. Prepare yourself, folks, this one taps into everything you love about David Lynch and everything you hate about being stuck with that person who won't stop talking to you at parties. Super dark, very twisted, and unreal. This movie moves fast and furious, you will appreciate when the ride is over (even though you actually enjoyed yourself the entire time.) You can read my more detailed review
U Turn (1997) |
U Turn: Another movie you'll likely find in the Drama section first - but then again, this is an Oliver Stone film and it stars Jennifer Lopez... This movie is messed up on just about every level. It's jerky, the people are jerky, the story is jerky - it's all made out of jerky. And that is why it's on my horror movie list. This one is raw meat that been sitting in the sun too long. Gross, unsettling, hard, maddening - this movie is a must see because I'm sure you've not seen anything like it.
Venus In Furs
(1969) |
Venus in Furs: It took me some time to really "get" this film. For a long while I wasn't even sure you could call it horror. That is, until the end. This is a very unusual film - unusual in the only way an Italian 1960's psychedelic film can be. I would not recommend it for people who only dig campy or comedy horror. No, this one is serious viewing and requires a little bit of serious patience. I made the mistake of watching this on a sunny Sunday afternoon. It should be watched at night, alone, and preferable after you've had one hell of a strange day. Pairs with bright boas and champagne.
The Wall (2012) |
The Wall: Fans of
Antichrist and
The Road might find similar characteristics in this German nightmare that is somehow categorized as Drama. This is not a horror movie in the slasher or spook sense, per se. Rather, this one is both a psychological and physical horror film. A woman goes to the country only to find she's trapped there by an invisible wall. She sees no one and has to live off the small piece of land available to her, for years. Tell me that's not a horror show.... Best watched alone or in a very small, quiet group. Good choice for a weekday movie night. Pairs with whatever you are able to kill with your own hands.
Wendigo (2001) |
Wendigo: Simply not enough good wendigo horror movies out there. Thankfully there is this one! Although not out-and-out pee your pants scary, this one is perfect for that late winter night, where the wind is blowing the tips of branches across your window. AND you just read something from
Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark. This is an unsettling dark film and one you'll want to watch with someone you can snuggle with. Pairs with popcorn and your favorite feel-good drink. You can read my more detailed review
What Ever Happened...
(1962 |
What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?: There is something here so evil and mind-melty, you simply can not help but love it. Even better is the real life feud between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, which I can't help but think made this film even more fantastic. Two sisters harbor a deep dark secret, one is crazy, the other is crazier - see for yourself how this uber family drama plays out. Watch with siblings. Pairs with food served on TV trays.
Willard (2003) |
Willard: RATS! You want rats?! We got rats! Revenge rats... This is a rare little gem in the Lonely Man Fights Back realm. You don't exactly want to cheer these rats on but you do anyway, and then you'll wish you hadn't. Although a rather unique horror movie, it's also a little depressing. Depressing in that you won't exactly feel *good* afterwards but you'll have a great time during the film! Pairs with anything you can nibble on. Watch alone or with someone who is having a really bad day. You can read my more detailed review
Wolfen (1981) |
Wolfen: A compelling and political werewolf film. You read that right folks. Although this is not your typical werewolf film, it's an astonishing and unique view on werewolves - and the impact of residential expansion... Watch with an open mind, prepare for political discussions that you never asked for but need to have. Read my more detailed review
Xtro (1983) |
Xtro: Probably one of the most insane, brilliant, deranged, disgusting, and knock your socks off alien films I've ever seen. You start the first
minute of the film thinking you're going to see some classic sci-fi camp. By
minute two your jaw will drop, you'll say, "WHHHHHAAA?!" and then you're tossed into the psychotic blood bath that is this film. You can read my very very detailed review
I saw all these films by way of a wide variety of formats and venues over the years. Use the links under
Find It. Watch It. on Horror Habit's side bar to locate where else you can find all these features.
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